Tag Archives: Incentive

How Do You Incentivize Salespeople to Sell? Five Points

Situation: Many companies have challenges creating effective incentives for sales people to sell. The CEO of one company asked others around the table what their experience has been creating effective incentives to maximize the efforts of their salespeople. How do you incentivize salespeople to sell?
Advice from the CEOs:
• The three fundamental sales compensation strategies are commission only, salary only, and base salary plus commission. The group discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.
• Commission only. This system is good in the sense that it incentivizes the salesperson to earn as much as possible. Some highly successful sales organizations give new salespeople a “runway” of, for example, a year with a modest salary to establish themselves. Once they have reached the end of the runway, provided that they have proven that they can sell, they shift to commission only. Once on commission they must sell to eat. The down sides are that a high percentage of “rookie” sales reps many do not succeed, and even successful reps may not to be dedicated to the company. Both latter groups may be on the lookout for a more suitable option for themselves or a better deal.
• Salary Only. Unlike commission-based sales, this option may not provide much incentive to excel. It may foster complacency.
• Base salary plus commission. Generally, this system is the one favored by many companies. It gives the salesperson some degree of stability while they are developing their accounts yet motivates them to “break the bank.”
• The best sales systems allow and encourage their salespeople to make a lot of money. In some of these companies salespeople are among the most highly paid people in the company. This boosts both retention and success.


How Do You Build a New Channel? Four Cases

Situation: A company wants to increase business by building a new channel. The new business is different from the company’s base business, but won’t change the company’s focus on its base business. What lessons have been learned by other CEOs who have accomplished this? How do you build a new channel?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • One company created a new channel without changing the base business.
    • They responded slowly to the opportunity before deciding to change.
    • They needed to change infrastructure by adding more people.
    • They also needed to redefine the offering to meet the needs of new clients.
    • This involved adding additional data which had been accessible previously but hadn’t been presented.
    • At first the hand off wasn’t smooth. Hiccups that could have been foreseen with more planning were extra data fields and rough hand-offs. Future new releases will focus on improved process review and more challenging of assumptions, and more patience in the scoping stage.
  • The second company created a new branch with different products and operations, but maintained one financial and inventory management system.
    • The initial produce was sold and installed, utilizing union labor. The new product is sold wholesale business to businesses and is non-union.
    • After struggling with attempts to house both operations under one roof the new operation was moved to a separate location.
    • This enabled company to set up separate operations and to fully understand the financials of both operations. It also makes it easier to assess the viability of each business and to implement changes in one without disrupting the other.
  • The third company created a new offering to sell to the same customer base, with no change in the back-end systems.
    • The new business created an insurance model for the company’s services as an alternative to the original break-fix model.
    • The two systems use a common sales team, network engineers, and back-end system. Customers choose either insurance or break-fix.
    • The challenge was that the two models need completely different monitoring and incentive systems for the engineers. This took time for development and training.
  • The fourth company created two production operations: turnkey and component.
    • This called for different sales and contracting processes and separate production areas on the plant floor, with clear delineation but using the same back end, financial, and engineering support systems.
    • The component process is short-run, high value, high margin; the turnkey is high volume runs, lower value, low margin.
    • The challenge has been in setting up a new set of contract agreements and monitoring systems to monitor the financial success of the turnkey operation.
  • What is the common thread?
    • Put sufficient time into planning and evaluating options and challenges so that there is a solid understanding of the new channel before starting.


How Do You Add a New Capability? Four Approaches

Situation: A CEO reports that customers frequently ask whether the company can deliver a service that isn’t current in their portfolio of capabilities. In a substantial number of cases, the ability to offer this service is a key factor in their choice of vendors. The company’s experience with outside consultants offering this capacity has been disappointing. How do you add a new capability?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Reevaluate the company’s needs and assess whether these can be better meet by bringing this capability in-house, or by restructuring how the company works with contractors. Determine whether the latter is just a negotiation and contract / payment problem.
  • Take a closer look at how the company contracts and creates incentives for outside contractors. Do they have performance objectives written into their contracts that reward them for meeting contract commitments? Can they earn bonuses for beating contract deadlines or exceeding design requirements? Are there penalties them for missing key deadlines?
    • Is it clear whether contractors are missing deadlines because of the “creative process,” because they don’t use their time efficiently, or because they have other commitments that take precedence at the company’s expense?
    • If the answer is either of the two latter situations, then contract adjustments may work. Similarly, if they have an incentive to be more creative faster to meet a bonus deadline a contract adjustment could also work to the company’s benefit.
    • Another option in working with independents is to make it clear that the company is generous, but if the contractor does not meet deadlines, they go to the bottom of the list for future opportunities.
  • An option is to hire one specialist and challenge them to grow a practice within the company. This may mean that they have to do all tasks early on, but the potential win will be the opportunity to grow a significant business and hire a team to do the lower-level work under their direction.
  • Another option – bring on a creative problem solver with appropriate experience who can support the existing team, but who will have more flexibility than a pure specialist.


How Do You Build and Develop the Right Team? Four Points

Situation: A CEO has two issues. One concerns her COO about whom she is receiving complaints from staff as new processes are implemented, and the other is beefing up the sales team. On the latter issue she is concerned about both her ability to pay the high-level seller-doers that are needed to support growth and potential turnover. How do you build and develop the right team?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • The COO has already put the right process in place. Coach this individual to lighten up and allow everyone to adapt to the new regime.
    • As new processes are implemented coach him not to implement them rigidly at first. Allow people time to get used to the new process. Allow some flexibility in implementation so that the new processes can be adapted to the individual styles of the key players.
    • Over time tighten expectations gradually until each process is fully in place and running smoothly.
  • Have the COO communicate to the company that it’s growing, the focus is now on hiring, and the task facing the company is revenue growth.
  • For new salespeople, the investment cycle can be 6 months to full function.
    • In the mix of salary and bonus, weigh the bonus side heavily – the side that won’t become payable until the new individual produces.
    • This becomes an incentive for new salespeople to get up to speed quickly. It also helps to weed out those whose talents aren’t as sharp as they represented in the hiring process.
  • The salespeople are the key marketers for this company as well as the rainmakers and producers. It may be necessary to commit to this investment to ensure future growth and adjust the company’s annual earnings forecasts accordingly.


How Do You Create a Good Lead Generation Campaign? Five Thoughts

Situation: A CEO wants to increase the company’s customer base. What have others done to generate leads in order to expand their customer base. What techniques have worked best? How do you create an effective lead generation campaign?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • One CEO who targets large customers used outside telesales at first but found them to be ineffective. They have since gone to an inside team. There is a learning phase, but with experience this can be an effective solution.
  • Another company uses an inside telesales team. This started with one individual and has become a team. Because this provides more control, one can hire for quality. This is often older callers who sound very professional on the telephone. It also provides the opportunity to tweak the telephone script for special promotions or circumstances.
    • For this company the number of calls per lead and closed account are high – up to 5% for leads and 1% for closed accounts. With a disciplined team and proper incentives, this is very doable.
  • Investigate the availability of local business lists such as Craig’s List or Rich’s Business Lists These lists are searchable by industry and business parameters.
  • Consider small professional conferences that attract target personnel of your key potential prospects. These are great networking and lead generation opportunities.
  • Make sure that there is a good link between the telemarketing and sales teams. This includes tracking, credit and rewards for landing accounts, and similar incentives.


How Do You Build Teamwork Across Account Teams? Four Observations

Situation: A CEO is concerned that there is a lack of teamwork across the company’s account teams. Often, they compete with each other rather than sharing knowledge and information. While some competition is good, too much can stifle growth. How do you build teamwork across account teams?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • It looks like the company needs to change its account management culture. There is a need to review the entire operation and rethink how the account teams interact with each other.
    • Schedule meetings with the full account staff – attendance required – describe the concern and encourage teams to share ideas and resources.
    • The commission structure drives performance. Tie financial incentives to collaboration. Reward the teams on collaborative efforts disproportionately to individual team effort – Y% commission for individual team effort vs. 1.5 x Y% commission for collaborative effort.
    • Increase monitoring of revenue and client acquisition – for the full group as opposed to individual account teams.
  • To keep a manageable level of competition among teams, group them into “leagues.” The leagues compete against each other for production and financial rewards. Encourage them to develop social interaction to build the league spirit.
    • A twist on this is temporary “leagues.” Shift team and league groupings from time to time to share best practices and resources. Measure the results. Track and reward the best league performance over time.
    • Be sensitive to the possibility that individuals may respond differently to league vs. individual team incentives. Those who respond more positively to the league concept can become the collectors and disseminators of best practices among the teams. This creates a status incentive to complement the financial incentives.
  • Consider the peer-programming model from the software industry. In this model, two people are occasionally teamed with one as lead and one as back-up. Let them learn from each other for a period and then return to normal operation. The same can be done with teams.
  • Does the company really have a problem? If the corporate competition leaves at 5:00PM but the company’s staff are working weekends to produce, maybe things are OK!


How Do You Mitigate Temporary Loss of Personnel? Five Points

Situation: The CEO of a small company is concerned that the loss of a key individual could seriously impact operations. Alternatives include adding an assistant to the affected department or cross training another individual who could serve as a short-term back-up in case of an absence of 2 weeks or more. How do you mitigate temporary loss of personnel?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • In cases like the current pandemic, planning for multi-week personnel absences is essential. Though systems are documented, subtleties of key jobs may not be documented. This is where cross-training becomes an important alternative.
  • Train another employee as a backup for the person in question and refresh the training every 2-3 months. If the company runs into an emergency due to short or longer-term loss of an individual, hire a replacement for the individual and have the individual who is cross-trained train the replacement.
  • Have the key individual and the individual who is cross training refine the ISO 9000 documentation as the key employee trains the back-up individual. This will assure that ISO 9000 documentation is being updated regularly.
  • Establish a plan with appropriate procedures that all positions must have a back-up. Include this within the company’s personnel procedures.
  • Rewarding the key individual with a bonus for selecting and training his or her back-up is the wrong thing to do. It’s both the wrong incentive and the wrong reward. Training a back-up is an essential part of each key employee’s job, not a special task that deserves separate recognition or reward.


How Do You Shift Culture as the Company Grows? 12 Challenges & Countermeasures

Situation: A company has grown through its expertise consulting for other companies. For its next growth step the CEO and Board want to shift to a project basis. This entails several changes, from compensation to organization and focus. How do you shift culture as the company grows?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Risks & Challenges
    • Biggest risk – dissatisfied employees who see less billable income per hour and may not see the “more hours” part of the picture.
    • The biggest personnel challenge will be those who have been with the company for many years, and who will see the most change – maybe not to their specific practices if they can bring in business, but on the project side.
    • Communication is a critical challenge, and also the best way to avoid landmines. Put a velvet glove on the presentation of the opportunity: “This is good news – we know that the low hanging fruit is now mostly gone, and that the remaining fruit is higher; to counter this we now have more options.” Carefully prepare communications to both management and consultant team members.
    • Another potential landmine – the impact on the company’s reputation if it blows up after a year. Set appropriate expectations – the company is introducing a new program rather than a wholesale rebranding.
  • Countermeasures to Mitigate the Risks
    • Maintain a structural option that preserves the old model for those who can bring in new projects and who prefer this model. For them, the new model is just an option that can help tide them over if there are gaps between the projects that they bring in.
    • Present the project option as new opportunity. Give more senior and experienced consultants priority in choosing whether to participate or not in new project work.
    • Plan and create the ability to assess the old consultancy model vs. the new project model. This will be especially important when individuals are spending part of their time in each area.
    • Create a set of metrics for each business – the consulting and project businesses – to measure whether they are on track. Identify and monitor the drivers for each business.
    • Keep the title Consultant on consultants’ business cards – Consultant, Sr. Consultant, etc. Allow them to continue to take pride in their role.
    • Move to the new model through a planned phase-in but retain the option to adjust the speed of transition between the old and new models. This will allow sensitivity to changes in the environment.
    • Don’t consider an immediate and complete rebranding – think in terms of introducing a new product under the company’s well-known brand. Plan a gradual transition of business to the new model. Introduce the new product as a new offering. As it picks up steam, gradually move brand identification and promise to the new model.
    • For the new project model, create incentives for project performance. Show team members that while the hourly rate may be less, if they perform as a team they will share the upside through project bonuses.


How Do You Boost Your Sales and Marketing? Four Points

Situation: A CEO’s company has built an admirable suite of products. The next step in company growth is to create a more structured marketing pipeline. They have experienced salespeople, but these people have come to the end of their rolodexes. A new approach is needed. How do you boost your sales and marketing?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Create a profile of the ideal customer. This is the customer who can create the greatest leverage using the company’s suite of product. Aim for the top management of this customer.
  • Incentivize the sales reps to target high value accounts. To create targeting incentives, graduate the commission base.
    • Set initial commission based on the size of the customer.
    • Differentiate commission by product – pay the highest commission for highest gross profit products or the company’s highest priority products.
  • Salespeople need to be able to close sales by themselves.
    • Currently, salespeople are acting as lead generators and are counting on the CEO to close the sale.
    • Create a different set of expectations, including thresholds to limit the CEO’s direct involvement in the sales process – for example, limit CEO involvement to accounts with a revenue value over $500K.
    • Train the salespeople to communicate the value proposition for initial conversations as they qualify a new client. Create a set of resources to assist them along the way.
  • Is it a good idea to pay ongoing commissions forever?
    • Another CEO used to do this but has moved to X% for the first period/project and X/2% on follow-on-periods/projects. This keeps them hungry for new customers who will pay the higher commissions.
    • Don’t create a perpetual annuity – the way insurance brokers are paid. Reduce commissions on existing accounts so that they decline over time – keep salespeople focused on bringing in new accounts to maintain their income levels.
    • Decide on an acceptable level of total compensation for salespeople. Plan the commission structure to allow them to reach this level, but they have to keep selling to maintain this level. Keep them hungry.


How Do You Maintain Focus on Quarterly Objectives? Three Ideas

Situation: The CEO of a service company is focused on growth, which is driven by new contracts. This, in turn is driven by new sales contacts per week. Sales staff are paid on commission. The CEO wants to assure that quarterly objectives are met to grow the company. How do you maintain focus on quarterly objectives?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Track and publish progress against weekly, monthly, quarterly metric objectives and key drivers.
    • Post charts around the office to maintain staff focus on objectives.
    • Put up whiteboards that show individual metrics as well as daily “top 3” focus items.
  • Identify key market sectors where focus will pay off for the company.
    • It’s OK to take a generalist approach as the company develops a new market sector. This helps to learn the dynamics of that sector.
    • As sector market penetration grows, develop functional or sector specialties.
  • Identify and focus on the gaps to company success.
    • Monitor and generate incentives to increase sales activity. The more fun that is involved in this, the faster the company will close the gaps.
    • Focus marketing on developing more prospects. Brainstorm creative marketing approaches that will generate prospects. Create a competition to develop the best new ideas with incentives or prizes to celebrate the most successful ideas.
    • If additional resources are required, currently beyond the company’s budget, investigate adding commission-driven contract resources with strong incentives for identifying new prospects and landing new clients.
