Tag Archives: Differentiate

How Do You Maximize Customer Satisfaction? Six Suggestions

Situation: The CEO of a company wants to assure that his company is doing everything that it can to maximize customer satisfaction. What have others done to evaluate and measure whether their customers are satisfied with the service and/or products provided? How do you maximize customer satisfaction?
Advice from the CEOs:
• Ask customers what they like and don’t like about your services.
• Ask what other things they are struggling with and whether or not you can offer services to improve this situation.
• By asking these questions, other opportunities may arise. Act like a business partner not hired help.
• Set targets for the company and sales team. What do you want to measure? How will you know if the client will reuse your services? What are you looking for?
• In the case of a new installation or activating a new service, as CEO be there when the implementation is complete and ready for “live” time. You may see complementary products or services to suggest to build a partnership with the client.
• Look closely at what added value you are offering so clients want to keep you on retainer. Identify what retainer business looks like and look for options to offer retainer services. This will help to differentiate the offering.



How Do You Quantify Niche Market Potential? Five Suggestions

Situation: A CEO’s company focuses on a specialized niche market. One of his challenges is that there is little public or chamber of commerce information available on the size and characteristics of their market. How do you quantify niche market potential?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Define the product / service very specifically. To narrow and refine estimates of market size look for the low hanging fruit.
    • What are the high growth segments of the target market?
    • What are the high growth industries of the target market?
  • To determine whether the market opportunity is $100M or $500M:
    • Define the company’s market more clearly – particularly the initial beachhead market where there is the potential to gain the most traction.
    • Recognize that there may be two markets: a high end market – relatively low gross sales dollars but high margins, and a low end mass market – relatively high gross sales but low margins.
  • Contact the originators of available market data to get their assumptions, comparative data and any other findings that may not be published but are beneficial.
  • Work closely with customers to build category / industry revenue estimates.
    • Segment the most active customers and increase the company’s share of their purchases.
    • Develop web site transaction capabilities to offer the company’s line as an adjunct to customers’ web sales.
    • Establish a Customer Council or Round Table to better understand the market dynamics and to differentiate the company within the market.
  • Sell the product and services’ features and benefits to the C-level, not just to engineers.
    • Sell to the CEO / CFO focusing on increasing shareholder wealth.
    • Determine a return rate for conversion to the company’s technology.
    • Reach out to professional segments that will naturally see value in the company’s process.
    • Seek an exclusive relationship with an industry leader to quickly launch new products.


How Do You Improve Your Company’s Website and Internet Presence? Seven Suggestions

Situation: A company has not updated their website for some time. As it considers making changes, how can the company optimize their web site for marketing purposes? What have others found to be most effective? How do you improve your company’s website and Internet presence?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Look at how the company is currently using their website and Internet to reach clients.
    • The company currently has email addresses for 80% of their clients.
    • They have been sending an annual survey clients through either mail or email and get a 40% response rate. The best response comes from email. Assure that the survey can be completed in 5 minutes or less unless the respondent wishes to provide more detail as an option.
    • The company has a web page that comes up prominently on Google.
    • They mail or email a quarterly commentary on company performance and initiatives to clients.
  • What are the advantages of print media and mailings versus email blasts.?
    • Does the company have the capacity to automate both envelope addresses and letters for clients without email addresses? If mailings are created manually it makes sense to invest in software to create automated mailings.
    • For more personalization, use stamps instead of meters.
    • Both factors make mailings expensive to prepare versus email communications.
  • The home page of the company website should focus on:
    • Who you are.
    • What you do.
    • Who you serve.
    • Why you do it better than others – what significantly differentiates the company?
  • Invite and include clients in volunteer work to deepen relationships.
    • The company is dedicated to volunteer work.
    • Extend volunteer work opportunities beyond employees to clients who are interested in the particular project.
    • Publicize this on the company website, and send personalized thank you letters – “We built it together as a family.”
  • Create forums on the site for individuals with interest in particular topics related to the company’s offerings and activities.
    • The value of honest discussion is better than no discussion at all.
    • This also keeps the company abreast of changing attitudes and priorities of clients.
  • Create resource lists on the company web site of firms or individuals offering services which complement the company’s offerings.


How Do You Plan for Geographic Expansion? Nine Points

Situation: A service company wants to expand its geographic base. It promises a 30-minute in-person response time to clients. It has established deep penetration in its existing market and sees opportunity in neighboring areas outside of its current market. How do you plan for geographic expansion?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • In many respects, the company’s situation is similar to a franchise model. It has established a successful business model. The company has also optimized its model for staff, technology, procedures, accounting and service provision. This creates the opportunity to clone the current model in a new geographic market.
  • It is important to study the competitive landscape in adjoining or more distant markets.
  • Leverage current customer references. Create a client referral incentive program among current and new customers.
  • Target initial clients within the target geography as reference clients.
  • Use direct mail to potential customers.
  • Recalibrate the company’s search engine optimization to reach the new target geography.
  • Communicate the company’s points of differentiation. Highlight customer results in the existing market to potential customers in the new market.
  • Target companies that want and need the service that the company provides. These will most likely be similar to existing clients. Experience with existing clients will serve as reference points.
  • Successfully selling function, as opposed to brand, depends on a business model that matches business volume with capacity to provide reliable service. It also assumes that market dynamics in new markets will be similar to the existing market.


How Do You Change the Company Structure to Support Growth? Ten Points

Situation: A CEO is concerned that her current company structure may not be set up to support envisioned growth. She is not sure how to differentiate managers from developers. She also seeks guidance on how to evolve the CEO role. How do you change the company structure to support growth?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • How do you differentiate and select managers versus developers?
    • Use an organizational development process to facilitate this selection.
    • First, outline the organizational structure that will evolve as the company expands. Share this with key staff and listen to their input.
    • Next, with key staff, determine the metrics. For example, what revenue or net profit before tax milestones will trigger the addition of managerial staff.
    • For each managerial position create a position description and a list of talents and skills that a candidate for that position should possess. Review these with staff and adjust with their input.
    • Let the company know the plans for the organization, and the positions that will be created as the company hits the milestones that will trigger growth. This will prompt anticipation of the opportunity and professional growth for staff that will accompany expansion.
    • Schedule a 1 or 2-day planning meeting with staff to discuss how to develop and improve both the organizational structure and operations. Continue this discussion in staff meetings at least quarterly.
  • The CEO’s role within the company.
    • The first question to ask is “what do you enjoy?” Is it being CEO, or is it leading the development teams? These are different roles.
    • Look at immediate needs. If the CEO is doing the books, it may be time to either choose or hire a COO – someone who can handle accounting, HR, and all the back-office functions.
    • Up to this point, the company has had a flat organization. The difficulty with this is that the first real crisis will take up so much CEO time that the company will fall behind in key areas currently overseen by the CEO.
    • Maturing the organizational structure is the right way to go. It will remove CEO from a “doer” role and allow the CEO to take the “leader” role – moving from working IN the business to working ON the business.


How Do You Avoid Payment Pickles? Five Options

Situation: A company has clients who are not paying on schedule for projects. If the company stops or delays work, the clients say this is why they aren’t paying. The CEO needs to find a solution that clarifies and codifies responsibilities of both the company and its clients. How do you avoid payment pickles?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Look at the contract templates and adjust them to better meet the company’s needs.
    • Change the contract obligations – so that the company is not liable for failing to complete on time when the client does not pay.
    • Increase the frequency of client payments so that the company is paid on a more timely basis.
    • Document all payment promises in the contract, including clear penalties for untimely payment and the company’s ability to stop work if payments fall short.
    • Look for an insurance product that insures the company for clients’ failure to pay – include the cost of this policy in the job quote.
    • Always hold back something critical until the final payment is received.
  • Rebrand the company to improve the business proposition.
    • Highlight the founders’ credentials – use this credibility to differentiate the company from the competition.
    • Expand the company’s presence in customized solutions, tailored to meet customers’ needs.
    • Work the high-end solutions network to get to the high-end clients.
    • Obtain D&Bs on clients before signing contracts.
    • Find the founders passion and focus on this to build the business.
    • Build what the customers want and deliver on schedule.
    • Present multiple options to new clients – a basic option for a competitive price, with add-ons similar to car dealers who use add-ons to boost the value of the sale.


How Do You Price a Product and Service? Five Approaches

Situation: A company offers a product combined with a service. Small companies can’t afford the combined price, but don’t need the full functionality of the combined product plus service. An option is to create an offering on a per-seat basis. In this option, how do you price seat utilization? How do you price a product and service?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Pricing needs to follow value. For large companies, functionality and seamless operation are key. Small companies have different challenges – they have less money and don’t need all the features required by large companies. Configure a limited product for this market.
  • Don’t de-feature the product – create a different use / pricing model. Consider a model that prices based on the user company’s revenue, with periodic review of their revenue and fees paid. As they grow and increase utilization, they increase their ability to pay for, and their need for full utilization.
  • Use a cloud model and create a “pay per amount of use” option. Limit this offering to X number of users or X number of projects to create a different product from the full license option. While this will require monitoring, it will differentiate the partial license option from the full license option.
  • Develop an alternative to what is offered by the chief competitor and create an offering that this competitor can’t compete with.
  • Before making a final decision, institute a formal process for collecting ongoing feedback from customers. This will help to clarify alternatives going forward.


How Do You Deal with Cut-throat Competition? Seven Thoughts

Situation:  A company serves a market with a lot of new small entrants. Clients purchase from these other companies as well as the CEO’s company. They are continuing to call and network with their client base to retain clients and build new customers. What else should they be doing? How do you deal with cut-throat competition?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Make a list of those clients who are no longer purchasing from you or referring new clients. Go talk to them. Ask why they are no longer purchasing from you or referring new clients. This may open new options. You may find something new or unexpected that you can offer.
  • Work with an outside service to follow up with on clients lost and won. The key question for them to ask clients is why. Learn from the responses what is most important about the clients’ purchase and referral decisions.
  • Consider a new service. A health/happiness outcome would be a nice value-add: a quarterly report back to referral sources on how happy the clients that they referred are. The last question on the survey should be – Would you work with our firm again? Why or why not?
  • Consider using an outside source to gather the data for these surveys. To get more valuable responses, don’t just ask about your company, but also several of your top competitors; this will produce a richer set of responses.
  • There are two ways to compete: either you are low cost or have established a unique value proposition. Whatever this is, sustainability of your critical point of differentiation is essential.
  • Health care legislation is now in flux. Whatever the outcome, it will have an impact on your market. Become an expert resource on the implications of various outcomes.
  • Look at social media resources – feed valuable information to your audience via blog.
