Situation: The CEO of a company wants to assure that his company is doing everything that it can to maximize customer satisfaction. What have others done to evaluate and measure whether their customers are satisfied with the service and/or products provided? How do you maximize customer satisfaction?
Advice from the CEOs:
• Ask customers what they like and don’t like about your services.
• Ask what other things they are struggling with and whether or not you can offer services to improve this situation.
• By asking these questions, other opportunities may arise. Act like a business partner not hired help.
• Set targets for the company and sales team. What do you want to measure? How will you know if the client will reuse your services? What are you looking for?
• In the case of a new installation or activating a new service, as CEO be there when the implementation is complete and ready for “live” time. You may see complementary products or services to suggest to build a partnership with the client.
• Look closely at what added value you are offering so clients want to keep you on retainer. Identify what retainer business looks like and look for options to offer retainer services. This will help to differentiate the offering.