Tag Archives: Establish

How Do You Incentivize Salespeople to Sell? Five Points

Situation: Many companies have challenges creating effective incentives for sales people to sell. The CEO of one company asked others around the table what their experience has been creating effective incentives to maximize the efforts of their salespeople. How do you incentivize salespeople to sell?
Advice from the CEOs:
• The three fundamental sales compensation strategies are commission only, salary only, and base salary plus commission. The group discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.
• Commission only. This system is good in the sense that it incentivizes the salesperson to earn as much as possible. Some highly successful sales organizations give new salespeople a “runway” of, for example, a year with a modest salary to establish themselves. Once they have reached the end of the runway, provided that they have proven that they can sell, they shift to commission only. Once on commission they must sell to eat. The down sides are that a high percentage of “rookie” sales reps many do not succeed, and even successful reps may not to be dedicated to the company. Both latter groups may be on the lookout for a more suitable option for themselves or a better deal.
• Salary Only. Unlike commission-based sales, this option may not provide much incentive to excel. It may foster complacency.
• Base salary plus commission. Generally, this system is the one favored by many companies. It gives the salesperson some degree of stability while they are developing their accounts yet motivates them to “break the bank.”
• The best sales systems allow and encourage their salespeople to make a lot of money. In some of these companies salespeople are among the most highly paid people in the company. This boosts both retention and success.


How Do You Boost Financial Understanding Within the Team? Five Points

Situation: A CEO is concerned that her team doesn’t appreciate the financial implication of their decisions on the company. This applies to both day-to-day decisions and strategic decisions that team leaders make. What can be done to better connect them and their decisions to the bottom line? How do you boost financial understanding within the team?
Advice from the CEOs:
• Go down the management levels from top to bottom and take the time to explain, in understandable terms, the company’s financial objectives, why they are important, how these are measured, how managers’ day to day decisions impact company performance, and the financial consequences of those decisions.
• Give employees a stake in company performance! For some this may be an ownership stake, for others it could be linking financial performance to their compensation and promotion track.
• The objective is for everyone to view the company as “ours”. This is a critical culture shift from the usual view in terms of “me vs. them”
• Work with the team to establish understandable and trackable formulas for profitable performance.
• Establish meaningful rewards for meeting the company’s plan and financial targets. When employees see a direct link between company financial performance and their paychecks they will pay attention.


How Do You Prepare and Engage in an Effective Negotiation? Five Points

Situation: The CEO of a company is engaged in an important negotiation. There is a debate within the management team regarding the best way to prepare and engage in this negotiation. How do you prepare and engage in an effective negotiation?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • In any situation where a decision between two parties is to be decided preparation is critical.
    • Start with the basics. What is the bottom line that the company wants or needs to achieve?
    • Once the bottom line is identified, determine the strategy and what will be required to achieve this.
  • The most important question is why an agreement is being sought. What is the objective and what does a win or a win-win look like? How are they different if they are?
  • When meeting with the other party, listen with understanding.
    • Start by establishing norms to govern the discussions. These may include: one person speaking at a time, being up-front about objectives and positions, and the length of the discussion.
    • Avoid the distraction of thinking about the next move – know the possible moves in advance as well as the conditions and consequences associated with them.
    • Be prepared to tell the story of where the company wants to go any why the goal is important for both parties.
  • Good decisions between parties are based on trust.
    • Be trusting until given a reason not to be.
    • Point out items or statements that challenge trust and ask for clarification.
  • A Peer-to-Peer approach is the best alternative.
    • Look for equal give and take. Keep the conversation and negotiation balanced.
    • Don’t start with your real bottom line. Ideally, work with the other party in give and take until it is achieved.
    • Be willing to walk away if the discussion won’t fulfill the company’s needs; but if this is necessary, do it courteously. Leave the door open for possible future opportunities.


How Do You Increase Employee Engagement? Six Suggestions

Situation: A  CEO wants to increase employee engagement throughout her family-owned company.  Performance is frequently poor, employees sometimes treat each other badly, and employees rarely put out the extra effort that could make a difference. What have others done to turn around a poor company culture? How do you increase employee engagement?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • To add some energy, for example to the accounting department, bring in AccountTemps for 3 months to bring everything up to date. This will help to establish a new level of expectation within the company. AccountTemps can also produce templates that will make it easier to stay up to date in the future. This will send a message to employees that the company is willing to invest to create new standards.
  • For those who are managing underperforming areas, link their pay to performance.
  • Leverage promising young employees by giving them more responsibility in their departments. This may facilitate a shift of resources to areas of the business needing attention.
  • Have employees make customer phone calls – to current and former customers – with instructions to listen to what the customers have to say about the company’s product and services.
    • Collect and use this information to foster a customer-oriented mindset.
    • Encourage employees to take pride in the final value delivered (or not delivered) to the customer.
  • Consider a second “Founding of the Company.” An event that will wake everyone up and reinforce both the value that they represent for the company and the company represents for them.
  • To increase cohesion within the company, create an event to bring everyone together, and help them to see and value what employees share rather than what makes them different.
    • Ask employees to put up photos of themselves at age 4-6. Ask those with children to add pictures of their kids as well. Conduct a contest is to match the photo to the employee.
    • Use special events to build a team focus at work. Examples are a company picnic with a 3-legged race or a movie and pizza at 6:00pm.


How Do You Encourage Others to Take the Initiative? Five Points

Situation: A CEO has a challenge getting employees to take initiative in areas that she wants to delegate. Part of the challenge is that she needs to “let go” and tends to do too much checking in. She is concerned that this results in employees’ hesitation to demonstrate the initiative that she desires. How do you encourage others to take the initiative?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Continual checking-in alters the “urgency.” It feels more like a lack of confidence in the individual’s ability to complete the task to specifications and on schedule.
  • Work to establish more trust. Do this incrementally – start with less urgent / important responsibilities or tasks and move toward more urgent / important ones.
  • Determine boundaries and clearly establish deliverables.
    • Write the objective down ahead of time – as well as how much information to give them.
    • Ask yourself: Is this providing “just enough” information to guide them without micromanaging or over specifying the solution?
  • Is an objective being set, or are you trying to teach a methodology to reach the objective?
    • Unless the methodology is critical, focus on the objective and let them determine the methodology.
    • Once the objective is completed review and learn from them how it worked. Ask how they prefer to complete the objective so that you can provide the appropriate level of guidance in the future.
  • Delegating takes more time than doing it yourself.
    • Employees will complete a task differently than you will. As long as an acceptable result is achieved, be tolerant that the method or tone is different. They may be coming up with a better way!


How Do You Improve Communication and People Management Skills? Three Points

Situation: As his company grows and adds new employees, a CEO wants to improve his skills working with employees as well as managing time when employees come to him with suggestions or issues. Occasionally there is confusion between what is said and how his directions are interpreted. How do you improve communication and people management skills?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • How can one improve conversational skills when meeting others, breaking the ice and establishing a conversational relationship?
    • The easiest way is to ask benign questions. How was your weekend? How are you doing? Actively listen to what they say.
    • Remember their responses. Probe more deeply to prompt them to go into more detail. Show an interest in them. Most people love to talk about themselves and their experiences.
    • If they in return ask about you, give them a pleasant but brief response, and return with a question about them. This is like a tennis volley – keep on returning the ball.
    • The important point is to show an interest in others, and to improve the ability to recall what they have shared. Don’t cross personal boundary lines of what is “too personal.” Others will appreciate this attention and will warm to you.
  • If the concern is confirming understanding, start by repeating what you hear and confirm your understanding before responding.
  • Some individuals come into the office, plant themselves in a seat and just chat to waste time.
    • When one of these individuals comes into your office, stand to greet them with a smile and a friendly question of how you can help them. Do not sit down. Remain standing as long as they are in your office. This will naturally shorten the conversation and prevents them from “settling in.”
    • When you stand up, smile and greet them with a friendly question you are not putting them off. In fact, you are giving them more attention than they have received in the past. As a result, while preventing them from settling in, this is being done in a way that shows them respect.


How Do You Handle a Difficult Employee? Five Observations

Situation: A CEO is pondering how to handle a difficult employee. This individual has brought in good business but is never satisfied with his level of pay – though he is highly paid. While he is good at bringing in new accounts, he doesn’t make the effort to grow them over time. How do you handle a difficult employee?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • It is necessary to establish a mutual understanding with the employee that no matter the level of pay, the employee will think that it is too little. This reframes the discussion because it establishes that there is no win by paying the individual more. The unspoken part is “why bother?”
    • Given this reality, the maximum level of pay for the employee is $X.
    • Note that there is no negotiating power until once this is said it is acceptable to let the employee walk away.
  • The CEO feels indebted to this individual because he has brought the company many new accounts. He is a good hunter. But the task now is not to hunt but to cultivate and grow the opportunities that that the company has in hand.
    • The issue is that this individual doesn’t build relationships that will grow business in his accounts.
    • He has done well for the company. The company has rewarded him handsomely. However, now a different talent is needed.
  • What’s the best alternative for action, and how is this communicated to the staff?
    • Do not lay this individual off – terminate him for cause.
    • This individual has repeatedly been asked to act as a team member, but he has steadfastly refused to do this.
    • His attitude, while good for his own efforts, is bad for the company and is clearly counter to the desired culture.
    • He is better off in a situation that aligns with his talents and style.
  • Terminating this individual for cause sends a critical message to the rest of the company – culture is important. You are determined to establish a healthy culture even it if means eliminating your best performer.
    • To those who ask, answer that this individual was treated fairly. Clear expectations were established, and ample opportunity was given to be a part of the culture that you are establishing.
    • Ultimately, the culture that you seek to establish – one that is good for the whole team, not just for star performers – was not right for this individual.
  • Use this situation to relaunch a campaign to build a company culture of collaboration and best practice development between teams. With the elimination of this individual there may be new enthusiasm around this initiative.


What are the Options for Your Next Phase? Six Suggestions

Situation: It’s a new year, and a CEO is thinking through options for the coming year and beyond. She has decided to leave her company and establish a new role and career for herself. Immediate concerns are funding the transition and entry into a new career. What are the options for your next phase?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • The area that can be built most quickly to provide income is a consulting practice based on the experience developed as a CEO and as a specialist leveraging past experience. Building a new practice is a big commitment. Make this the initial focus and get a few gigs to get the ball rolling. The company is an early option, as well as some of their key customers. These relationships are already in place.
  • On the academic side, investigate Executive Education programs in Business Schools. Here the clientele is different from normal undergraduate and postgraduate education – actively working managers and executives. For this audience the combination of experience as a CEO and academic credentials is advantageous. For this audience, a lack of credentialed teaching experience is largely counterbalanced by the weight of professional experience.
  • The Professor / Consultant track looks best if established as a 5-year plan.
  • While getting established in a new role there will be an initial challenge managing the time demands of teaching, research and developing a consulting practice. Think of this as managing the multiple functions of a company. It will be important to establish early priorities to accomplish the desired plan.
  • A professorship does not necessarily tie financially to current goals but can be an important strategic adjunct to consulting efforts. In a certain sense, teaching will have to be its own reward.
  • To the extent possible and depending upon how the board responds to the decision to leave the company negotiate the best possible severance package. This can tie into some of the suggestions, above.


How Do You Recruit and Retain the Best People? Three Suggestions

Situation: A company is losing employees. Not the top ones, but the 2nd level. It’s not a manner of money but other reasons. Some don’t like the developing culture of accountability. Others are younger high potential employees who have performed well but have left for unexplained reasons. How do you recruit and retain the best people?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • It’s important to learn why they are leaving.
    • It may be a millennial phenomenon – this group may regard work as a transitory necessity.
    • Determine whether it because of accountability or other reasons.
      • Could they be unhappy with the level of growth opportunity?
      • Previous generations were used to moving to move up – are the younger employees less prone to do this?
    • Could younger workers see work as a job, whereas previous generations saw work as their livelihood – as their life.
  • What options could be tried?
    • Set up a hiring plan – over-hire to assure availability of talent – 15 people in the next 3 months.
    • During the hiring process employ a focused interview diagnostic to identify the key factors that will boost in employee retention.
  • One CEO has suggested an approach:
    • Start with a volunteer employee focus group that holds a series of meetings over lunch.
    • Use company channels to ask for volunteers.
    • Allow the group to relax and open-up over time. Then begin to drill down to the real issues, including legacy issues.
    • Use feedback from the focus group meetings to design a survey to establish metrics, validate the findings of the focus group, and establish benchmarks for long-term attitude monitoring.


How Do You Grow Business in China? Four Perspectives

Situation: A company has established a foothold in China. Their objective is to grow that business. The CEO is curious about the lessons that others have learned while doing business in China. How do you grow business in China?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • There continues to be ambivalence about the legal challenges of doing business in China. Primary concerns include both protection of IP and corporate / securities law. Become the firm that lifts the fog and charge a premium for this talent. Play off of corporate fear factors about doing business in China.
  • Networks in China look much different from networks in the US.
    • In China there is the government, and then there is the Communist Party which really runs things.
    • Particularly on a regional basis, the Chinese Communist Party has both formal, informal, and “nonaffiliated” branches and activities. All of these may be controlled by local or regional officials with little or no oversight by Beijing. Much depends upon shifts in the political climate.
    • Contacts within Chinese companies and law firms will be critical to understanding how to negotiate these networks on behalf of the company’s Chinese and American clients.
  • China has been big in the press for several years but may not be center of focus of all large firms yet. They may be waiting for additional clarity before making a significant investment China. Be a pioneer who points the way for corporations that feel that they have to be part of the China game.
    • As you develop expertise in China, this may generate opportunities to become the service bridge for other firms who find it more efficient to rely on others’ specialized expertise rather than build their own expertise in China.
  • Use the Blue Ocean Strategy techniques that are used by large corporations to create differential advantages for the company’s China presence.
