Tag Archives: Advantage

How Do You Incentivize Salespeople to Sell? Five Points

Situation: Many companies have challenges creating effective incentives for sales people to sell. The CEO of one company asked others around the table what their experience has been creating effective incentives to maximize the efforts of their salespeople. How do you incentivize salespeople to sell?
Advice from the CEOs:
• The three fundamental sales compensation strategies are commission only, salary only, and base salary plus commission. The group discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.
• Commission only. This system is good in the sense that it incentivizes the salesperson to earn as much as possible. Some highly successful sales organizations give new salespeople a “runway” of, for example, a year with a modest salary to establish themselves. Once they have reached the end of the runway, provided that they have proven that they can sell, they shift to commission only. Once on commission they must sell to eat. The down sides are that a high percentage of “rookie” sales reps many do not succeed, and even successful reps may not to be dedicated to the company. Both latter groups may be on the lookout for a more suitable option for themselves or a better deal.
• Salary Only. Unlike commission-based sales, this option may not provide much incentive to excel. It may foster complacency.
• Base salary plus commission. Generally, this system is the one favored by many companies. It gives the salesperson some degree of stability while they are developing their accounts yet motivates them to “break the bank.”
• The best sales systems allow and encourage their salespeople to make a lot of money. In some of these companies salespeople are among the most highly paid people in the company. This boosts both retention and success.


How Are You Preparing for Next Year? Two Approaches

Situation: A CEO and his team are preparing for next year. There is a lot of uncertainty as to how the year will unfold and what the economic and financial environment will look like. What are others doing to plan for next year and beyond? How are you preparing for next year?

Advice from the CEOs:

One company built a 5 year plan to 2028 about a year ago.

    • They are now reviewing the plan. Their core has been growing faster than anticipated as a result of the new sales effort. For next year and beyond they are revisiting the plan and revising it both to take advantage of the new sales effort and to leverage this success into other areas.
    • Within the plan, priorities for growth have been identified, and the company is on target to double the size of the company in 5 years.

Another company established a Strategic Priority Team a few months ago.

    • They started by setting goals for 2025 to 2030. They followed this with a plan for what they need to do year by year until 2030 to realize this plan. They recognize that there may be speed bumps along the way but have established the internal discipline and capacity to address these.
    • Within the plan, they are looking at expanding ther facilities in 2nd half of 2026, and plan to double both their space and staff over the planning period.
    • An additional area where they will focus is their current and new business development effort.


How Do You Optimize Your Product Offering? Four Points of Focus

Situation: A CEO wants to take better advantage of his company’s product offering. There are many opportunities available, but the company needs more focus on optimizing these opportunities. How do you optimize your product offering?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Brand – Where has the company been? Where is it going? The world is constantly changing – what’s the company’s new brand? The brand identifies the company and both your customers’ and business partners’ identification of the company and its products and/or services. In a changing world with increased competition and “noise,” having a strong handle on the brand and brand message is critical to remaining at the top of customers’ and partners’ awareness.
  • Education/Customer Advocacy – An underutilized source of marketing strength includes both customer education and customer advocacy. Customer education allows the company to better position its product and/or service to the customer and helps the customer better meet unrecognized needs. Customer advocacy positions the company along with its customers in an area of mutual interest and strengthens both bonds and loyalty.
  • Diversification & Channels – In a changing and rapidly diversifying world, being open to new opportunities and channels through which to reach the company’s stakeholders is a source of sustainable advantage.
  • Partnerships to Take Advantage of Diversification & Channel Opportunities – Partnerships are an underutilized resource to creatively diversify and open new channels to stakeholders. They require less investment than doing everything on your own and can form the basis for key alliances and strengths going forward.



How Do You Position a Professional Services Company for Growth? Part 2 Three Suggestions

Situation: The CEO of a professional services company wants to position her company for growth. What suggestions do others have to assist her? How do you position a professional services company for growth?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Make Time for Organizational Development – Attention to organizational development and enhancing the organization so that it meets the needs of employees can yield significant dividends in terms of company performance and adaptability. When employees’ needs are met, they are motivated to extend their efforts both in performing their current roles and to develop new ideas that will benefit the company. Be sure to recognize these efforts.
  • Temp to Perm (Even for Hiring Leaders) – As the economy recovers there remains a high level of uncertainty as to how robust the recovery will be. In light of this, additions to staff may be approached cautiously. The temp to perm route offers a way for a new individual and the company to get to know one another and to test mutual fit before making a full commitment to permanent employment. This can be true even for positions of significant leadership within the company.
  • Meet the Unrecognized Needs of Customers – The top of the Customer Pyramid is meeting unrecognized needs – needs which the customer may not even know that they have. In a world of increased competition and rapid change, finding ways to understand, anticipate and meet these unrecognized needs of customers yields a significant competitive advantage. Brainstorm with your sales, marketing and customer service teams to identify unrecognized needs of past customers. Use the results to identify unrecognized needs of current and new customers.



How Do You Position a Professional Services Company for Growth? Part 1 Three Suggestions

Situation: The CEO of a professional services company wants to position her company for growth. What suggestions do others have to assist her? How do you position a professional services company for growth?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Focus on Dynamic Processes – The world and business environments are changing rapidly in response to economic, business and political stimuli. This places a premium on developing dynamic and highly adaptable business models. Companies that develop these models will have a much more sustainable competitive advantage than those who do not.
  • Leverage Information – Along with rapid change comes a great deal of new information. Companies with a sustainable competitive advantage will leverage information from both traditional and new sources to develop new opportunities and new applications for older but still valuable technologies and processes.
  • Be Sensitive to Cultural Issues – The expanding global economy means that customers, suppliers and employees will come from all over the world, bringing with them different cultural backgrounds. By adapting business models to address and respond to varying cultural needs – by celebrating differences instead of being inhibited by them – a company enhances its competitive advantage.



Customer Service and Customer Satisfaction: What’s the Difference? Two Points

Situation: A CEO and his team have been having a debate about the difference between customer service and customer satisfaction. How do others work with their teams to improve both customer service and customer satisfaction? Is there a difference between the two and, if so, what is it?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Customer service has to be clearly defined.
    • The objective of customer service is for the customer to have a positive experience.
    • Customer service is addressing the needs and concerns of your customers in a timely fashion to create a competitive advantage and higher perceived value for a company’s products or services.
    • Customer service is a process that can be taught and trained.
  • Customer satisfaction has to be measurable.
    • Customer satisfaction is listening to what the customer has to say, addressing their issues, and providing a resolution that meets their needs and expectations.
    • It is a measure of comfort, confidence and trust.
    • There is a difference between being proactive and being reactive – work with each to assure that the customer is pleased with their experience, product and/or service.
    • To test this, record and analyze responses to the question “How did we serve you?”


How Do You Generate Buy-in as You Change the Business Model? Six Points

Situation: A company is changing its business model from fee for service, driven by individual contributors, to a contracted project model with teams delivering service. The driver for the new model is to deliver full solutions to meet client needs. The CEO is struggling to obtain buy-in to the new model from all stakeholders – employees, managers and shareholders. How do you generate buy-in as you change the business model?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • The objective is to obtain agreement on vision and direction as the company adapts over a 3-5 year horizon.
    • Benefits include: product vs. service sales, a growing annuity revenue base, increased stability for the company and improved career paths for all members of the team.
    • Risks include: massive change, fear accompanying any change, too rapid growth, and the changes to company culture that will accompany this
  • Acknowledge and celebrate what the company and team have done well and the success that this has generated. In addition, share the lessons learned from experience to date, as well as the new opportunities that these lessons have created and the reasons to change to take advantage of these opportunities.
  • Create an exciting vision that expresses the new opportunities. Consider an off-site “WOW” event to announce your vision.
    • Focus on what’s in it for them as stakeholders. Address how they can participate in the change.
    • Where are the opportunities? Do they include investment and ownership?
    • Focus on the next major steps and the doable objectives associated with each step.
  • The new direction will require a different type of manager – with skills and experience managing teams. This is a growth opportunity for all involved. Provide training to assist the transition.
  • Employee and manager skill sets (including the CEO’s) will need to adapt – identify what skills will be needed and how they can be found or developed.
  • The past culture has been highly entrepreneurial with little middle management. The new model may be different from the current model, but it can still be entrepreneurial in a different way.


How Do You Expand into a New Market? Four Points

Situation: A company is interested in expanding into new market. The CEO notes that they have little experience in this market, but it is lucrative, and they believe that their technology has effective applications in this market. How do you expand into a new market?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • If the new market is technical it is important to identify the standards that govern production in that market. Examples include ISO 9000 processes and 13485 ISO Medical Standards. Start work on these now to assure that the products and services under development meet market standards.
    • While it will take effort to become ISO compliant, this investment will bring significant benefits in terms of regularizing all the company’s processes and procedures.
    • There may be some early resistance, but the long-term benefit is worth the pain.
    • Being ISO certified helps the company to sell its services. Many clients will not consider the company as a serious vendor unless it is ISO certified.
  • Pull in an outside consultant to do a quick gap analysis between where the company’s current procedures are and where they need to meet the standards.
  • Will ISO certification provide a competitive advantage?
    • It will never disadvantage the company and may provide a competitive advantage with customers.
    • Use Blue Ocean Strategy to create a new advantage for the company around ISO certification.
    • Industry will eventually require vendors to increasingly become ISO certified. If the company is already there it will be ahead of the curve and may be able to gain a premium price for its products and services by being there ahead of others.
    • European and International companies increasingly insist on ISO certification – they are ahead of the US.
    • Create a Market Road Map. Identify the markets that the company could serve. Look at the requirements for doing business in these markets. It may be possible to find additional leverage in ISO certification that will allow the company to enter additional markets with minor incremental additional cost.
  • Will ISO certification add an additional cost structure to the company’s services?
    • Under ISO, a company can have both ISO and non-ISO projects. Company standards will simply identify which projects are which and when non-ISO standards apply. Standards can be changed under ISO as new non-ISO opportunities arise. It is just a matter of updating procedures.


How Do You Handle Open Issues from a Sale Agreement? Three Thoughts

Situation: A CEO has closed the sale of a significant company property. Due diligence was completed and was satisfactory, but the purchaser now wants to renegotiate the price. The CEO is concerned that if she yields on the price, the buyer will come up with additional changes that will further disadvantage the sale. How do you handle open issues from a sale agreement?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • One member had a similar issue following the sale of a previous company. The decision was that the price at the time of close was the price. The buyer had full opportunity to perform due diligence which would have uncovered any open issues. Condition at time of sale is “buyer beware,” which is why they were allowed a full due diligence.
  • The sale was “as is” including assumption of current debt on the property. It appears that the advantages to the buyer that are anticipated through the purchase will more than offset the impact of the existing debt. As a result, the buyer is, on balance, better off than they had anticipated. Thus, there is no need to yield on price.
  • On the timing of events that may not occur – an indirect cost audit by the company’s prime agency should this be necessary – there is a question of the financial impact to the company.
    • There is a default date on the final payment that could be held up by the negotiation, but the impact is not significant to the company.
    • Otherwise, the company’s interests are covered by the sale agreement.


How Do You Create Larger Deal Sizes? Six Options

Situation: A company has good deal flow, but the CEO finds that margins are significantly increased with larger deals. Larger deals reduce the overhead component, much of which is the same regardless of deal size. The company is dominant in their market and can provide multi-site and multinational services. How do you create larger deal sizes?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • One company with multiple consulting contracts has found that bidding for RFPs on larger projects has opened the door to larger contracts..
  • Another company has looked at cost of sales and its contribution to business wins. .
    • Under 6% was ineffective and over 12% did not generate significantly more business. Their target win ratio is 30%
    • Factors that positively influenced win ratios were positioning the company as the preferred bidder up-front, and avoiding sham RFPs which are already slotted in favor of a competitor that helped to spec the RFP:
  • When bidding on RFPs, if the company will not be the low bidder it is important to identify the critical non-price parameters where the company will offer a differential advantage.
    • Focus on large multi-site or international RFPs which are more likely to be larger dollar RFPs.
    • Look at supply chain management opportunities.
    • Offer to warrant results in exchange for a higher price.
    • Look at system-type opportunities where the company can offer a more comprehensive solution based on its depth and experience.
    • Look for situations where the company can develop an advantaged position.
  • What are the implications of these strategies?
    • It will require retraining the inside sales force to research and qualify RFPs.
    • It will shift the focus to project vs. outsourcing opportunities. The latter are more price and availability driven and don’t play to the company’s strengths.
  • Explore channel sales through the existing partner network.
    • Offer a referral fee to regionals for referring opportunities outside their scope. In return, hire them as subs on the project.
  • Take a look at the big engineering firms who work multinational contracts, and handle their mitigation matters with small teams.
    • Offer them a comprehensive approach that is less expensive, more consistent, and more visible than their current self-service approach.
