Category Archives: Finance

How Do You Purchase a Company as a Non-Owner President? Four Points

Situation: The President of a company has a long-standing relationship with the Chairman and Founder, who is also the principal owner of the company. The President joined the company at a time that the Chairman/Owner thought that he was terminally ill and needed an individual who could take over operations as well as leadership. Since then the owner has fully recovered and wants to retake control. The President would like to buy out the owner. How do you purchase a company as a non-owner President?
Advice from the CEOs:
• What role has the President played so far? The President has advised the Chairman on how to grow the company and is leading this growth through developing key customer relationships.
• What is the owner currently doing? The owner has fully stepped back into his prior role, and is micromanaging all aspects of the business, effectively shutting out the President.
• The best way to avoid a situation like this is to negotiate the full deal, including transition of authority and terms of transition of ownership, up front before the signing of an employment contract. Not having not done this, the President currently has no leverage.
• The best option at this point is to have a conversation with the owner and to see whether the owner is open to a transition of either power or ownership. If the owner is not interested, the President may want to consider other opportunities.


How Do You Expand Business Internationally? Five Suggestions

Situation: The President of a company wants to expand its business in Europe, but has limited resources, particularly in terms of personnel. What have others learned from their international business opportunities? What has worked and what hasn’t? How do you expand business internationally?
Advice from the CEOs:
• Hire a Business Development person to develop your European business. You want to find an individual who has experience working with international partners as well as their clients.
• Allocate budget not just for the individual hired, but also the travel budget to fund extended trips.
• Plan for time to train existing and interested international partners to sell or service your offering.
• Hire an individual who is at least minimally comfortable with the language or languages of your prospective European partners. While most European business people are fluent in English, they appreciate foreigners who at least make the effort to speak their language.
• Network with local and online resources to identify both potential customers and allies in Europe who can assist you. LinkedIn is international and a good way to search for both customer and partnership opportunities. Check your local Chamber of Commerce for others who are engaged in international business and network with them. Utilize networking organizations such as the Alliance for Corporate Growth which has chapters around the country and internationally. Connect with the International Trade Administration’s U.S. Commercial Service. They specialize in promoting export opportunities for American companies. Partner with a venture capitalist who has European contacts and who may be interested in supporting your efforts.


How Do You Change the Company’s Culture? Six Suggestions

Situation: The CEO wants to change the company’s culture. How can the CEO facilitate “buy-in” to support this cultural change? How do you change the company’s culture?
Advice from the CEOs:
• Encourage staff to think BIG – project 50 years ahead to a $2 billion company with business in 10 countries.
• Ask questions: Can we achieve it? Can you imagine that far? Is it real? What would make it real?
• Encourage participation in this exercise across all functions.
• When one company wanted to make a major change, they brought in an expert to help craft the communication of the changes and to explain it to staff.
• Move fast – don’t go slow. Let people know that it is OK to make mistakes. This is the Try-Fix-Do model that helps to encourage creativity and rapid development of new ideas. It makes going fast less of a risk to the individual.
• Let people know that it’s OK and necessary to challenge each other. Their involvement and input are what’s important. Keep it real and civil.


How Do You Boost Financial Understanding Within the Team? Five Points

Situation: A CEO is concerned that her team doesn’t appreciate the financial implication of their decisions on the company. This applies to both day-to-day decisions and strategic decisions that team leaders make. What can be done to better connect them and their decisions to the bottom line? How do you boost financial understanding within the team?
Advice from the CEOs:
• Go down the management levels from top to bottom and take the time to explain, in understandable terms, the company’s financial objectives, why they are important, how these are measured, how managers’ day to day decisions impact company performance, and the financial consequences of those decisions.
• Give employees a stake in company performance! For some this may be an ownership stake, for others it could be linking financial performance to their compensation and promotion track.
• The objective is for everyone to view the company as “ours”. This is a critical culture shift from the usual view in terms of “me vs. them”
• Work with the team to establish understandable and trackable formulas for profitable performance.
• Establish meaningful rewards for meeting the company’s plan and financial targets. When employees see a direct link between company financial performance and their paychecks they will pay attention.


How Do You Forge an Effective Relationship with a Buyer? Five Points

Situation: A CEO’s Company was recently acquired. She is getting little, if any, guidance from the acquiring company in terms of leadership or management of her former company. What does the group recommend that she do? How do you forge an effective relationship with a buyer?
Advice from the CEOs:
• You’re Lucky: We all wish we had that problem. Many buyers interfere with the operations of the acquired company and make the transition very difficult. This leads to all sorts of problems including employee departures.
• Employee Feedback: Hold an employee meeting, gather their thoughts and concerns, forward those to senior management. This demonstrates a willingness to work with the buyer to forge the best relationship possible.
• Memo: Draft a memo with all of your thoughts, options, and recommendations, send it to the management of the acquiring company and you have satisfied your moral responsibility. No guilt.
• Consult: You may end up consulting to new management sent to you by the buyer to help them figure out how to evolve from practitioners/managers to full-time managers.
• Don’t Worry: The purchase was a good deal to you because you were able to negotiate a favorable deal for yourself and your managers. The future is more a concern for the purchaser than it is for you.


How Do You Create a Side Business? Five Suggestions

Situation: A CEO has built a successful company. She is considering creating an additional company, unrelated to the current company but which will enable her to pursue a long-term dream. The second company will be sufficiently different from the current company that it makes more sense for it to be a separate entity. What success parameters should she set? How do you create a side business?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • A number of successful entrepreneurs have been able to do this. Elon Musk is an excellent example. Study the steps that he took as he moved from PayPal to SpaceX and Tesla. This will provide insight into the factors that must be taken into account.
  • For the short term, pursue the dream of setting up the new company. Draft a business plan and seek an angel – perhaps someone that you already know – to get it moving.
  • Fall-back positions are good to have in mind. While looking at options, assure that sufficient time is allocated to pursue the long-term goal. Be aware of and provide the necessary resources to meet the demands of the new entity. Assure that there is a qualified individual to take the lead in the existing company as your attention shifts to the new entity.
  • For your long-term goal, be the Beta subject of the new program.
  • Assure that all of the ramifications of the long-term goal – including financial and quality of life realities – are taken into account and that there is a plan for each.


How Do You Unlock Your True Profitability with Sound Cash-Flow Trade-offs? Six Points

Situation: A CEO has her company on a positive growth track. The company has a solid customer base. Their products and accompanying services are increasingly well-accepted. She is ready to take the company to the next level of growth and profitability. How do you unlock your true profitability with sound cash-flow tradeoffs?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Profit is different from cash flow. Make this distinction clear and act to boost cash flow.
  • Tracking Cash & Forecasting:
    • Watch the company’s bank balance. Frequently track cash inflows and outflows by period.
    • Carefully assess and project the pattern of customer buying habits and payment performance to develop sound revenue assumptions.
    • Compare the company’s margin dollars and billings with norms for peer group businesses.
  • Issues to consider in forecasting:
    • Hiring means commitment of future cash outlays. Consider contingent work force options.
    • Project and plan for future large payments (equipment, technology, marketing, loans, etc.)
    • Differentiate between investing in ongoing business capacity as opposed to incremental add-ons.
    • Look at cyclical trends and issues. Understand your customers’ purchase habits and patterns.
    • Develop likely “what if” scenarios (good and bad) and develop plans to reduce the impact of surprises.
    • Analyze the company’s business model and determine exactly how cash flows through the company’s operations.
  • Analyze important upcoming decisions: hiring equals investment; outsourcing equals expense. Evaluate needed support for each.
    • Differentiate investment versus outsourcing decisions. Smooth cash flow through selective outsourcing – especially when dealing with sudden or cyclical peaks. Avoid the risk of committing long-term resources by staffing up to address short-term peaks.
  • Focus on the opportunity cost of money. Add this focus to both planning and assessment.
    • Operate with a mix of other peoples’ money and ownership funds. The latter are more expensive than bank interest because the trade-off is what you could earn through alternate investments.
  • Fine-tune the company’s planning tools. Analyze budget and cash implications of alternate plans through detailed budget projections and follow-up by tracking cash expenditures.
    • Use Cash Flow Statements to analyze and project trends in investments, operations and financing and how each of these affects cash balances.


How Do You Negotiate the Purchase of a Franchise? Seven Points

Situation: An experienced CEO is considering the purchase of a franchise. What are the key points to consider in both evaluating the opportunity and in negotiating the purchase? What advice should be sought? How do you negotiate the purchase of a franchise?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Most franchises have a set contract in use by all of their franchisees.
    • Ask for the names of existing franchisees and ask them what works or doesn’t work both about their contract and the services provided by the franchisor.
    • Ask the franchisor whether they will agree to a side letter to cover areas of importance outside of the franchise agreement.
  • What services and are offered by the franchisor as basic infrastructure and what are offered as a percent of sales or other fee arrangements?
  • Look closely at the frequency and amount of franchise fees. What fees are set or variable? What is non-negotiable?
  • Is there a need for a professional to represent you as the buyer?
  • Closely inspect the prospectus financials – franchisors in many states are required to provide these to prospective buyers. What is the initial investment? Are there monthly or periodic minimums to be paid by the franchisee? What are typical monthly operating costs.
    • Add to these your salary replacement costs – assuming that you will have to pay yourself something over the break-even period.
    • Calculate the monthly revenue needed to break even, and to pay off the initial investment.
  • Evaluate the competitive situation facing the product/services offered by the franchise. Network with others in the market to assess both the market potential and any barriers that that will be faced as the franchise is established.
  • What other questions should be asked?
    • Why is this business interesting?
    • What is your experience and what is the experience of the franchisor?
    • How well do you understand the market that the franchise will be serving?
    • What does the franchisor bring to the table that you cannot do yourself? What are the comparable costs?
    • What is the anticipated rate of return? How is it being calculated? Can this be verified with third parties?
    • What criteria are deal makers and which are deal breakers?


How Do You Negotiate a Merger? Eleven Points

Situation: A company is considering a merger with a smaller company. What are the important considerations to take into account in considering and negotiating a possible merger? How do you negotiate a merger?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Look for synergies between the companies. During the negotiation, emphasize these and the mutual benefit available to both companies.
  • In a merger between a larger and smaller company look for the key motivations of each party. What does the smaller company have that the larger company wants? How much is that worth to them? Make a list.
  • Consider combining vs. merging. An alliance can be mutually beneficial while allowing both companies to retain independent ownership.
  • Look at earn out options in a purchase scenario. What are the possible terms and the financial implications of these?
  • Beware of the distraction that a merger will present to current day-to-day operations.
  • Identify other parties with whom mergers are possible. Why is the target partner better?
  • Partner prior to the merger – how do the two companies play together in the sand box? This can reveal cultural differences and differences in focus that will impact the value of the merger.
  • Consider an LLP option – a third Company that is the owner of the two merged companies. This may present tax and other advantages.
  • Look at Product vs. Service
    • Product is always worth something.
    • When service stops, it is worth nothing.
    • Key players must work together well or the service evaporates.
  • Never assume what the other party’s interests are. Make sure that both interests and priorities are discussed and evaluated during discussions between the parties.
  • Ask clarifying questions anytime a topic is raised that requires additional understanding.


How Do You Evaluate Financing Options? Seven Key Points

Situation: A start-up company needs to raise cash to fund the achievement of key milestones. The founders have evaluated private equity, angel, and venture capital financing options. They believe that at their stage of development an angel is the best source of funds. What guidance can the group offer for negotiating with a private financier? How do you evaluate financing options?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • The important questions to answer are: who is the angel, what is the angel’s motivation, and what does the angel bring to the table?
  • What is the angel bringing to the table?
    • Is it money and connections? Who and how many people will be involved?
    • Do these individuals bring the expertise to take business to the next level and beyond?
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the angel’s organization. Ask about other companies that the angel has financed. Talk to those companies about their experience with the angel.
  • Ask how long the angel plans to stay connected to the company.
    • Is the angel committed for the long-term or looking for a quick profit or exit and sale?
    • What happens after the angel leaves?
  • Validate statements made by and the experience of the angel.
    • How may IPOs has the individual or group been involved in?
    • What existing contacts do they have with additional potential funders or buyers?
    • Vet all of the claims and statements made by the angel.
  • Evaluate equity vs. cash funding and the prospects and terms that accompany future funding rounds.
  • What is the company’s long-term strategy?
    • Do the founders want to stay the course long-term or is it sale of the company to another entity?
