Situation: The President of a company has a long-standing relationship with the Chairman and Founder, who is also the principal owner of the company. The President joined the company at a time that the Chairman/Owner thought that he was terminally ill and needed an individual who could take over operations as well as leadership. Since then the owner has fully recovered and wants to retake control. The President would like to buy out the owner. How do you purchase a company as a non-owner President?
Advice from the CEOs:
• What role has the President played so far? The President has advised the Chairman on how to grow the company and is leading this growth through developing key customer relationships.
• What is the owner currently doing? The owner has fully stepped back into his prior role, and is micromanaging all aspects of the business, effectively shutting out the President.
• The best way to avoid a situation like this is to negotiate the full deal, including transition of authority and terms of transition of ownership, up front before the signing of an employment contract. Not having not done this, the President currently has no leverage.
• The best option at this point is to have a conversation with the owner and to see whether the owner is open to a transition of either power or ownership. If the owner is not interested, the President may want to consider other opportunities.