What New Business Options Should You Pursue? Five Guidelines

Situation: The CEO of a company observes that the business climate has been uncertain, but she hopes that it will improve soon. This will open up new options for her company. As these start to develop how do you decide what to do and what not to do? What new business options should you pursue?
Advice from the CEOs:
• Talk to your customers. What do they value about your current product or service and what is less valuable? Build on opportunities that customers value. What options are most consistent with the company’s strength and focus?
• Consider a customer survey – either online like Survey Monkey or by telephone. If there isn’t in-house expertise to design and administer a survey, look for knowledgeable outside resources. Assure that the survey questions will drive understanding of the company’s focus and potential.
• Get an expert to review the survey and administration plan. Before launching the survey to your full customer base, test it with a select group of customers. This will tell you whether it will produce usable information. If it doesn’t, revise the survey.
• Which opportunities will build sustainable recurring revenue vs. opportunistic or one-time revenue? Recurring revenue can be lower margin if the income stream is sustainable. Balance efficiency and utilization. For example, fixed fee service contracts that renew consistently.
• Judge opportunities against your “Hedgehog” as defined by Jim Collins in his book Good to Great: What you are passionate about? What you can be best at in your marketplace? What you can measure by a single economic ratio?


How Do You Incentivize Salespeople to Sell? Five Points

Situation: Many companies have challenges creating effective incentives for sales people to sell. The CEO of one company asked others around the table what their experience has been creating effective incentives to maximize the efforts of their salespeople. How do you incentivize salespeople to sell?
Advice from the CEOs:
• The three fundamental sales compensation strategies are commission only, salary only, and base salary plus commission. The group discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.
• Commission only. This system is good in the sense that it incentivizes the salesperson to earn as much as possible. Some highly successful sales organizations give new salespeople a “runway” of, for example, a year with a modest salary to establish themselves. Once they have reached the end of the runway, provided that they have proven that they can sell, they shift to commission only. Once on commission they must sell to eat. The down sides are that a high percentage of “rookie” sales reps many do not succeed, and even successful reps may not to be dedicated to the company. Both latter groups may be on the lookout for a more suitable option for themselves or a better deal.
• Salary Only. Unlike commission-based sales, this option may not provide much incentive to excel. It may foster complacency.
• Base salary plus commission. Generally, this system is the one favored by many companies. It gives the salesperson some degree of stability while they are developing their accounts yet motivates them to “break the bank.”
• The best sales systems allow and encourage their salespeople to make a lot of money. In some of these companies salespeople are among the most highly paid people in the company. This boosts both retention and success.


How Do You Replace a Key Position? Four Points

Situation: The CEO is moving a key employee from head of engineering to a more customer development focus. To support this, she will have to bring in or promote another employee to fill the position of leader/supervisor/manager of the engineering group. The CEO seeks advice on the best way to approach finding a replacement for this key job. How do you replace a key position?
Advice from the CEOs:
• First, it is necessary to develop a timeline for finding and transitioning the replacement. Realistically, count on 6 months to find a replacement and transition the responsibilities to a new person.
• Keep in mind that anybody you find or promote will be different from the individual who currently occupies the position, and will not handle their new responsibilities the same way as the current individual. Their motivation and their approach to their new responsibilities will be different, at least at the outset, and they will not handle their responsibilities the same way that the current individual does.
• Seek an individual, either currently within the company or an outside hire with strengths that, over time, will add significant value to the organization. Prepare for this by brainstorming and developing a profile of the ideal candidate.
• If you have qualified candidates, the ideal person will come from within the organization. This has the added advantage of demonstrating to other employees that they, also, may become candidates for future positions to grow both their skills and income.

How Do You Jump-Start Sales in the New Year? Four Points

Situation: A CEO has been working with his team to jump-start sales to set the company on a positive growth path. His team has come up with some interesting ideas. He would like to hear from others as to what they have done to set their companies up for a year of positive growth. How do you jump-start sales in the new year?
Advice from the CEOs:
• Set up a focused, manageable revenue target list of 30-100 existing and desirable new clients. Focus sales efforts on these clients. This is much more effective than a shotgun approach.
• Touch-up and refresh the target list on a consistent basis. Create and lay out a schedule of contacts by email, telephone or meetings and stick to it.
• Schedule regular meetings with the team to share successes and insights gained from their efforts. Compliment this by awarding points and recognition for the best contributions to the meetings. Rather than deciding on the awards yourself, have the team vote on the best contributions. This will increase the camaraderie of the team and will encourage them to support each other
• Develop a focused network to link to former colleagues. For example, if you’ve worked at other companies join or create an alumni group for those individuals on Linked-in. This can develop unexpected new opportunities.


How Do You Maximize Customer Satisfaction? Six Suggestions

Situation: The CEO of a company wants to assure that his company is doing everything that it can to maximize customer satisfaction. What have others done to evaluate and measure whether their customers are satisfied with the service and/or products provided? How do you maximize customer satisfaction?
Advice from the CEOs:
• Ask customers what they like and don’t like about your services.
• Ask what other things they are struggling with and whether or not you can offer services to improve this situation.
• By asking these questions, other opportunities may arise. Act like a business partner not hired help.
• Set targets for the company and sales team. What do you want to measure? How will you know if the client will reuse your services? What are you looking for?
• In the case of a new installation or activating a new service, as CEO be there when the implementation is complete and ready for “live” time. You may see complementary products or services to suggest to build a partnership with the client.
• Look closely at what added value you are offering so clients want to keep you on retainer. Identify what retainer business looks like and look for options to offer retainer services. This will help to differentiate the offering.



How Do You Purchase a Company as a Non-Owner President? Four Points

Situation: The President of a company has a long-standing relationship with the Chairman and Founder, who is also the principal owner of the company. The President joined the company at a time that the Chairman/Owner thought that he was terminally ill and needed an individual who could take over operations as well as leadership. Since then the owner has fully recovered and wants to retake control. The President would like to buy out the owner. How do you purchase a company as a non-owner President?
Advice from the CEOs:
• What role has the President played so far? The President has advised the Chairman on how to grow the company and is leading this growth through developing key customer relationships.
• What is the owner currently doing? The owner has fully stepped back into his prior role, and is micromanaging all aspects of the business, effectively shutting out the President.
• The best way to avoid a situation like this is to negotiate the full deal, including transition of authority and terms of transition of ownership, up front before the signing of an employment contract. Not having not done this, the President currently has no leverage.
• The best option at this point is to have a conversation with the owner and to see whether the owner is open to a transition of either power or ownership. If the owner is not interested, the President may want to consider other opportunities.


What are the Trade-offs of Becoming a Company Principal? Four Points

Situation: A senior employee is on a good growth track within her company. The CEO has stated that he believes that she has the potential to become a principal of the company in the future. What are the tradeoffs of becoming a company principal?
Advice from the CEOs:
• Becoming a principal involves both greater potential rewards than being an employee and greater potential risks. Create a chart with two columns. In one, list the potential rewards of having a stake in the company. In the other list the costs and potential liabilities. This will help to weigh the rewards against the liabilities.
• Areas to negotiate include voting rights, granting of options, understanding the perks of becoming a partner, and also the possibility of legal liability for any malfeasance that the company may commit.
• If you see liabilities that concern you talk to an attorney – your own, not the company’s – about how to address these liabilities in the terms of an employment contract as a principal.
• Evaluate the potential long term value of the ownership share being offered. Does the company have a buy-back policy for a principal’s ownership share and, if so, what are the terms?


How Do You Expand Business Internationally? Five Suggestions

Situation: The President of a company wants to expand its business in Europe, but has limited resources, particularly in terms of personnel. What have others learned from their international business opportunities? What has worked and what hasn’t? How do you expand business internationally?
Advice from the CEOs:
• Hire a Business Development person to develop your European business. You want to find an individual who has experience working with international partners as well as their clients.
• Allocate budget not just for the individual hired, but also the travel budget to fund extended trips.
• Plan for time to train existing and interested international partners to sell or service your offering.
• Hire an individual who is at least minimally comfortable with the language or languages of your prospective European partners. While most European business people are fluent in English, they appreciate foreigners who at least make the effort to speak their language.
• Network with local and online resources to identify both potential customers and allies in Europe who can assist you. LinkedIn is international and a good way to search for both customer and partnership opportunities. Check your local Chamber of Commerce for others who are engaged in international business and network with them. Utilize networking organizations such as the Alliance for Corporate Growth which has chapters around the country and internationally. Connect with the International Trade Administration’s U.S. Commercial Service. They specialize in promoting export opportunities for American companies. Partner with a venture capitalist who has European contacts and who may be interested in supporting your efforts.


How Do You Change the Company’s Culture? Six Suggestions

Situation: The CEO wants to change the company’s culture. How can the CEO facilitate “buy-in” to support this cultural change? How do you change the company’s culture?
Advice from the CEOs:
• Encourage staff to think BIG – project 50 years ahead to a $2 billion company with business in 10 countries.
• Ask questions: Can we achieve it? Can you imagine that far? Is it real? What would make it real?
• Encourage participation in this exercise across all functions.
• When one company wanted to make a major change, they brought in an expert to help craft the communication of the changes and to explain it to staff.
• Move fast – don’t go slow. Let people know that it is OK to make mistakes. This is the Try-Fix-Do model that helps to encourage creativity and rapid development of new ideas. It makes going fast less of a risk to the individual.
• Let people know that it’s OK and necessary to challenge each other. Their involvement and input are what’s important. Keep it real and civil.


How Do You Redefine the Top Executive’s Role in the Business? Four Points

Situation: The President of a family-owned business that has been in operation for over 30 years wishes to change her role by increasing delegation of responsibility and accountability within the business in preparation for her eventual retirement. Other family members in the business are happy with their current responsibilities and are resistant to taking on more responsibility. What advice does the group have for this member?
Advice from the CEOs:
• Given that you are preparing for retirement, it is important to let others know about your plans and your desire to increasingly hand off your responsibilities to others. Ideally, one or more of the others will express a desire to take on more leadership, particularly if it includes a boost in pay.
• It is important to clarify responsibilities and prioritize which ones you wish to hand off. Once this is done build and execute a hand-off plan.
• Transition current managers who are misplaced in their position to other roles. Work with them to identify alternate roles where their talents can better benefit the company. They may be aware of their current discomfort and welcome the opportunity to take on a different role more suited to their abilities.
• Focus on removing barriers to delegation that may be in place. For example, bring others into the discussion and review the projects that they are overseeing. Identify the challenges underlying those projects and ask for their suggestions on how to address these. Don’t provide the answers. Ask questions and push them to develop appropriate solutions.
