Tag Archives: Responsibility

How Do You Redefine the Top Executive’s Role in the Business? Four Points

Situation: The President of a family-owned business that has been in operation for over 30 years wishes to change her role by increasing delegation of responsibility and accountability within the business in preparation for her eventual retirement. Other family members in the business are happy with their current responsibilities and are resistant to taking on more responsibility. What advice does the group have for this member?
Advice from the CEOs:
• Given that you are preparing for retirement, it is important to let others know about your plans and your desire to increasingly hand off your responsibilities to others. Ideally, one or more of the others will express a desire to take on more leadership, particularly if it includes a boost in pay.
• It is important to clarify responsibilities and prioritize which ones you wish to hand off. Once this is done build and execute a hand-off plan.
• Transition current managers who are misplaced in their position to other roles. Work with them to identify alternate roles where their talents can better benefit the company. They may be aware of their current discomfort and welcome the opportunity to take on a different role more suited to their abilities.
• Focus on removing barriers to delegation that may be in place. For example, bring others into the discussion and review the projects that they are overseeing. Identify the challenges underlying those projects and ask for their suggestions on how to address these. Don’t provide the answers. Ask questions and push them to develop appropriate solutions.


How Do You Interview for New Hires and Promotions? Part 2, Eight Points

Situation: A CEO seeks advice on interviewing both for new hires and promotions. What advice and guidelines do others suggest to improve interviews? How do you interview for new hires and promotions?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Use an interview process that is consistent with the company’s plan and culture.
    • Start with the company’s mission statement.
    • Next develop the value system.
    • Draft a hiring plan that is consistent with the company’s mission and values and develop a process to support this.
  • Monitor the process over time and improve it through experience.
  • Assure that position descriptions reflect the individual(s) that the company wants to hire.
  • Before starting the hiring process, ask “What problem am I solving?” The answer will help to define the talents and attitudes desired in candidates.
  • Utilize “listening with a plan”.
    • Be clear on how the person being interviewed is delivering their message. Is their language positive, proactive, energized, or lethargic? Do they take responsibility for their own actions? Do they look at positive aspects of the company they work for and the people they work with? The objective is to make sure that the individuals sought for the job display these characteristics.
  • Hire for growth potential, not just to fill the current slot.
  • Hire consistent with the values and culture that the company wants to create and foster.
  • Hire to skills needed rather than value to yourself and the firm.
    • Don’t just hire on cultural aspects. Evaluate and check the skill set against what this person is supposed to accomplish. Getting the skills set right is just as important as getting the culture right.


How Do You Maintain the Chain of Command? Three Suggestions

Situation: A CEO finds that some employees are going directly to her to address issues or suggestions rather than working with their managers to develop solutions. She is concerned on two fronts. First, these matters should be handled between the employee and their manager. Second, this distracts her from higher priorities facing the company. How should the CEO convey this to both the manager and the employee. How do maintain the chain of command?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Concerning the situation where a manager’s direct report is going to the CEO, what is the follow-up with both the manager and the employee?
  • The message to the manager:
    • You are in your role for a reason.
    • You are accountable, and your responsibility is for your team to deliver against company strategy and plans.
    • If this situation is repeated I will send these questions back to you, and will count on you to keep me in the loop as appropriate to assure that the solutions are consistent with company policy and objectives.
  • The message team member
    • It’s okay to share your thoughts with me.
    • But in the case of new ideas or suggestions, you need to bring these to your manager so that your manager understands what is going on and can coordinate your suggestions with the activities and priorities of the team.
  • How do you set boundaries so as not to step on the toes of managers?
    • Set deliverables for the managers, but leave them the authority and latitude to manage those who report to them.
    • If an employee comes to the CEO rather than their manager, refer them back to their manager.
    • After the fact, follow-up with the manager to assure that the issue or suggestion has been addressed.
    • HR issues are handled through the HR process, not by the CEO.


How Do You Create a Professional Development Plan for Employees? Four Points

Situation: A CEO wants to develop employment growth/professional development plans to help individual employees reach their next level of skill and/or responsibility. This includes determining company needs, skill sets requirements, etc., and a plan to fulfill these.  How do you create a professional development plan for employees?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Start by defining company needs and the skills required to meet these needs. Ask:
    • Do we currently have staff in place with the requisite skills? How deep is our resource base?
    • Do we have individuals who desire to acquire skills where we are not deep?
    • Do we need to be looking outside for these skills?
  • Create a mechanism to enable employees to express their expectations and aspirations.
    • Ask about individual employee’s aspirations during quarterly manager / employee 1-on-1s.
    • Look for alignment between employee aspirations and company needs. If there is alignment draft a training plan to meet both the employee’s and the company’s needs.
    • Explore alternative options for them available within company. List skill sets needed. Develop a growth plan.
    • Ask employees to set three objectives for next 12 months. This is best done with a standard self-evaluation and aspiration form.
  • How often is the plan reviewed with each employee?
    • For specific action items – track follow-up to milestone dates.
    • Manager one-on-ones – monthly.
    • Quarterly or semi-annual evaluations.
    • Annual formal performance reviews.
  • How does the company, demonstrate that they are paying staff more than fairly?
    • Research salary surveys to determine how the company’s salaries measure up to typical local or regional salaries for comparable companies in the industry. Plan adjustments if necessary.
    • On the company level, produce data that shows overall company salary levels vs. industry averages in the company’s locale.
    • In individual salary discussions, let the employee know how their salary measures up against area averages for their position.


How Do You Delegate on a Team Basis? Four Options

Situation: A CEO wants to develop a collection of skills within her team as an alternative to just having individuals with skills. For example, her role means that she must travel frequently, often for over a week at a time. How can she develop a system to temporarily reallocate the time of the team to cover her responsibilities while she’s away. How do you delegate on a team basis?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • If the team functions on a high level, this is not really a problem. They will step up.
    • Plan for the time frame during which the CEO will be away.
    • List all responsibilities to be covered and set priorities for response. Focus on the highest priorities first. Delegate them or use them as cross-training opportunities for team members.
    • Meet with team ahead of time. Go over what has to be covered. Ask who can cover this, and delegate first, second and third responders – not just a single individual. This is important so that they know that they are backed up as well. Ask: What concerns or questions do you have? Have the team develop solutions.
    • Where processes are involved, break down the process. Create a decision tree and work with the team on how to make decisions with resources available.
    • Set priorities for the time away before leaving. Ask the team how they would handle situations and coach them if they are not sure. Identify resources for them to use if needed.
  • Use the model that a special forces team uses to train and prepare for missions:
    • Know each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
    • Know how to back each other up.
    • Set up situations that are likely to arise and rehearse.
  • Another good model is engineering decision trees.
    • Create decision trees for how frequently occurring situations are handled to help team members determine the proper course of action and how to utilize which resources to respond to these situations.
  • Note the difference between reactive and proactive responsibilities.
    • Train the team to respond to reactive situations.
    • Schedule proactive responsibilities around planned time away to facilitate involvement in these as necessary.
    • Flexibility is critical.


How Do You Get the Best from Your People? Six Solutions

Situation: A CEO is concerned that employees are not taking enough initiative. They keep coming back to him for assistance solving each step in a process rather than solving it on their own or with the assistance of other team members. This takes time away from his primarily role developing and guiding the present and future of the company. What can he do help employees become more self-sufficient? How do you get the best from your people?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Don’t offer to help employees solve the problem or take over the task to save time and effort. Use the “answer a question with a question” technique to let them know that it is their responsibility to develop and complete the solutions and processes on their own.
  • Tailor the coaching approach to the particular individual and situation that he or she faces.
  • Just let go. Allow them to fly without depending on the CEO.
  • Classify frequent problems and solutions into types, and have the team develop solution templates for each type. Provide training on the solution templates so that everyone is familiar with them.
  • Select top performers to act as peer-mentors to train and cross-train staff. There are three rewards for their taking on this role: added recognition for their talents, accelerated promotion opportunity, and additional pay or bonuses for their efforts.
  • An excellent resource is The One-Minute Manager. It is short, to the point, and offers valuable techniques to encourage initiative and both independent and team problem-solving among employees.


How Do You Improve Delegation? Three Solutions

Situation: A company is growing rapidly. As it grows it is important to build the management team needed to support this growth. A few talented potential managers have a tough time letting go of previous responsibilities. How does the CEO help them to let go of previous responsibilities. How do you improve delegation?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Don’t teach method. The individuals to whom responsibilities are to be delegated may feel like trained monkeys, not the bright creative people that they are.
    • Set goals. Give them the information that they need to get there. Let them know that there is a procedure, and they are welcomed to use or adapt this as they wish. If they can find a better way that is more efficient – Wonderful!
    • Empower them. This is an investment. Like many investments, it may take time to generate a return, but be patient and wait for this return.
  • Look at the required roles and prioritize them as most to least critical to the company.
    • Start delegating the less critical roles, as well as the roles that are less time sensitive.
    • This will make it easier to maintain patience.
    • Also, delegate roles that play to the strengths of those to whom new responsibilities are being delegated. Those taking these roles will be happier and will do a better job.
  • Create an organizational chart for each department and responsibilities.
    • Make sure that all of the roles for which a department is responsible are included, but group these into similar roles so that there are, for example, 3-5 role delegations.
    • Prioritize each role for importance and urgency.
    • Take the least urgent and significant role and delegate it. Either assign it to an existing individual, or hire someone to take it on.
    • Once this has been done this and those to whom roles are delegated are used to them, do the same with the next least important or urgent role.
    • Do this over time until all the needed roles have been delegated, and managers are comfortable managing the individuals now responsible for them.
    • A valuable resource is the EMyth Revisited by Michael Gerber. It is a quick read and provides guidelines for how to delegate and let go of responsibilities the organization grows.


How Many Direct Reports is Too Many? Five Thoughts

Situation: A young company has been growing rapidly but hasn’t been growing its infrastructure to support its growth. The CEO now has fifteen direct reports. Things are getting hectic and the CEO wonders whether it’s time to make a change. How many direct reports is too many?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • It is generally accepted that the largest number of direct reports that an individual can successfully manage is ten. Beyond this and even at this number, if the reports require significant supervision it is difficult to meet the needs of the individuals and to effectively direct their multiple activities.
  • The maximum number of individuals that you can manage depends upon what you are managing.
    • If the individuals are very independent, then perhaps ten can be managed.
    • If the individuals require any significant levels of supervision and/or training, the number goes down rapidly.
  • This is both a challenge and an opportunity. The challenge is determining the right number of reports for the CEO to manage. The benefit is the opportunity to start building a management team.
  • The benefit will be that by adding managers reporting to the CEO, there is the opportunity to train individuals who can take on additional managerial responsibilities in the future. As the company continues to expand this will become critical to future growth.
  • Another benefit is the ability to divide responsibilities among the teams.
    • For example, one team becomes the sales team, a second the Client Services team, and a third becomes the back-office operations team.
    • As the company expands, there is the opportunity to add additional subgroups to the sales and client service teams. simultaneously serviced by the existing back-office operations team.



How Do You Reduce Interruptions in the Office? Three Points

Situation: A CEO of a small company finds it difficult to focus of company strategy and direction because on continuous interruptions to handle customer and company issues. Frequent phone calls and employees coming in to ask for guidance or to talk about issues make it difficult to focus on plans for the future. How do you reduce interruptions in the office?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • The company has grown to the point that it is time to build a management structure to facilitate decision-making. It’s time to delegate.
    • Identify promising individuals within the company who have the capacity to take on management responsibility. Provide them with the training to assume managerial roles and to handle direct reports.
    • If the talent is lacking in some areas, hire managers to oversee these areas.
  • The phone is the #1 problem – interruptions to deal with customer issues.
    • Hire an assistant to manage incoming calls and to transfer these calls to the appropriate department.
    • Learn to say no. For example, if an opportunity requires the CEO to be off-site to evaluate and estimate a project, that individual could not answer the phone in the office. Similarly, it is necessary to carve out concentrated time for strategic and critical tasks when in the office.
    • Explain to the team the challenge, and the benefits of spending uninterrupted time each day working on strategic direction. These benefits include additional growth and opportunity for both the company and employees.
    • Establish an official time – during regular hours – that the CEO is not available to respond to calls or other immediate needs. During these times, have an assistant direct these requests to the appropriate department or schedule time later in the day to handle an issue.
  • Any executive in a Fortune 500 company plans time for planning and other essential work when they cannot be interrupted. Working without interruptions is essential to efficient, high-quality work.


How Do You Develop an Employee to the Next Level? Four Points

Situation: A CEO has a key employee who wants a higher level of responsibility. Currently this employee is primarily focused on business development. He’s good at this but wants a higher level of experience. The CEO agrees. How do you develop an employee to the next level?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • If you ask this individual what needs to be done, what happens?
    • Revenue is number one. This is where he is focused, but he wants more than this from his role.
    • If this is also the CEO’s primary objective then the CEO needs to back off and direct him to split his time between closing high level opportunities and training his direct reports to be able to close lower-level opportunities on their own.
  • To the CEO – thinking about your own experience, how did you mature to a higher level when you had primary responsibility for business development?
    • Answer: I built and trained staff to do this and delegated these responsibilities to them.
    • Allow this individual and other key managers within the company to do the same thing, and coach them along the way.
    • Empower this individual to build his staff and enable them to take on more of the functions that he no longer wants to handle himself. Allow him to prioritize his time to focus on: hiring and training of his key staff and coaching and supervision as they grow into their new roles.
  • Consider this solution as a larger project manager role. Take a key product and empower this individual to design, build and manage the organization to deliver this product.
  • To frame this solution short-term, start with a 1-on-1. Ask about his vision – what he wants as his role and how he sees building this.
    • Follow by laying this out in terms of the company’s objectives – be specific as to what this looks like.
    • Look for a win / win reconciliation between the CEO’s and the employee’s visions that meet both of their objectives. Get on the same page with this individual, so that this fulfills both of your needs.
