Tag Archives: Potential

What are the Trade-offs of Becoming a Company Principal? Four Points

Situation: A senior employee is on a good growth track within her company. The CEO has stated that he believes that she has the potential to become a principal of the company in the future. What are the tradeoffs of becoming a company principal?
Advice from the CEOs:
• Becoming a principal involves both greater potential rewards than being an employee and greater potential risks. Create a chart with two columns. In one, list the potential rewards of having a stake in the company. In the other list the costs and potential liabilities. This will help to weigh the rewards against the liabilities.
• Areas to negotiate include voting rights, granting of options, understanding the perks of becoming a partner, and also the possibility of legal liability for any malfeasance that the company may commit.
• If you see liabilities that concern you talk to an attorney – your own, not the company’s – about how to address these liabilities in the terms of an employment contract as a principal.
• Evaluate the potential long term value of the ownership share being offered. Does the company have a buy-back policy for a principal’s ownership share and, if so, what are the terms?


How Do You Boost the Performance of a Life Sciences Company? Six Suggestions

Situation: The CEO wants to improve the performance of her life sciences company. She has questions about the business plan and roles within the company. She is also looking for better ways to connect with current and potential customers. How do you boost the performance of a life sciences company?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Assess both your own role and the company to ensure that there is good alignment between the business plan and the roles within the company.
  • Be strategic after assessing the company’s needs and situation. Too often companies jump to tactical considerations because they are action oriented. To be effective, tactics must align with the broader company strategy.
  • Build a foundation based on value and compliment this with effective models to communicate and leverage this value base.
  • Think outside the box. Consider options to use or increase the effectiveness of social networking. This has growing dramatically in importance as a way to reach and communicate with key current and potential constituencies.
  • Perception is important. Be aware of what others think of the company and work creatively to present the company in a light that will support objectives.
  • The visual cortex represents 75% of sensory awareness. Leverage this on web sites and in marketing campaigns.


How Do You Interview for New Hires and Promotions? Part 2, Eight Points

Situation: A CEO seeks advice on interviewing both for new hires and promotions. What advice and guidelines do others suggest to improve interviews? How do you interview for new hires and promotions?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Use an interview process that is consistent with the company’s plan and culture.
    • Start with the company’s mission statement.
    • Next develop the value system.
    • Draft a hiring plan that is consistent with the company’s mission and values and develop a process to support this.
  • Monitor the process over time and improve it through experience.
  • Assure that position descriptions reflect the individual(s) that the company wants to hire.
  • Before starting the hiring process, ask “What problem am I solving?” The answer will help to define the talents and attitudes desired in candidates.
  • Utilize “listening with a plan”.
    • Be clear on how the person being interviewed is delivering their message. Is their language positive, proactive, energized, or lethargic? Do they take responsibility for their own actions? Do they look at positive aspects of the company they work for and the people they work with? The objective is to make sure that the individuals sought for the job display these characteristics.
  • Hire for growth potential, not just to fill the current slot.
  • Hire consistent with the values and culture that the company wants to create and foster.
  • Hire to skills needed rather than value to yourself and the firm.
    • Don’t just hire on cultural aspects. Evaluate and check the skill set against what this person is supposed to accomplish. Getting the skills set right is just as important as getting the culture right.


How Do You Negotiate the Purchase of a Franchise? Seven Points

Situation: An experienced CEO is considering the purchase of a franchise. What are the key points to consider in both evaluating the opportunity and in negotiating the purchase? What advice should be sought? How do you negotiate the purchase of a franchise?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Most franchises have a set contract in use by all of their franchisees.
    • Ask for the names of existing franchisees and ask them what works or doesn’t work both about their contract and the services provided by the franchisor.
    • Ask the franchisor whether they will agree to a side letter to cover areas of importance outside of the franchise agreement.
  • What services and are offered by the franchisor as basic infrastructure and what are offered as a percent of sales or other fee arrangements?
  • Look closely at the frequency and amount of franchise fees. What fees are set or variable? What is non-negotiable?
  • Is there a need for a professional to represent you as the buyer?
  • Closely inspect the prospectus financials – franchisors in many states are required to provide these to prospective buyers. What is the initial investment? Are there monthly or periodic minimums to be paid by the franchisee? What are typical monthly operating costs.
    • Add to these your salary replacement costs – assuming that you will have to pay yourself something over the break-even period.
    • Calculate the monthly revenue needed to break even, and to pay off the initial investment.
  • Evaluate the competitive situation facing the product/services offered by the franchise. Network with others in the market to assess both the market potential and any barriers that that will be faced as the franchise is established.
  • What other questions should be asked?
    • Why is this business interesting?
    • What is your experience and what is the experience of the franchisor?
    • How well do you understand the market that the franchise will be serving?
    • What does the franchisor bring to the table that you cannot do yourself? What are the comparable costs?
    • What is the anticipated rate of return? How is it being calculated? Can this be verified with third parties?
    • What criteria are deal makers and which are deal breakers?


What are the Basics of a One-Page Sales Plan? Four Points

Situation: A CEO wants a simple, one-page plan for her sales organization to help coordinate the company’s sales and marketing efforts. The objective is to boost revenue growth and market penetration with consistent sales messaging. What are the basics of a One-Page Sales Plan?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • The key elements of construction are: research, identification of revenue sources, and construction of a Road Map.
  • Three Examples of a One-Page Sales Plan are:
    • The Customer Survey-based Sales Plan – Ask the top 15 customers what the company’s current share of wallet (SOW) looks like and what they need to do to gain additional SOW. Use the responses to identify additional revenue sources and construct the Road Map.
    • The Service Extension Sales Plan – Construct a grid representing the company’s products and services currently offered to potential customers – particularly the company’s top customers. Create a separate grid showing services that the company does not currently offer and ask customers what the company needs to do to make those services appealing to them. Use the information gained to construct the Road Map.
    • The Current and Potential Revenue Sales Plan – Construct a grid representing the customers and markets currently served and by what product or service. Look at additional customer markets not currently served. Estimate the size, new business closure rates, and the total potential market opportunity. Use the information gained to construct the Road Map.
  • The advantages of a One-Page Sales plan include:
    • One page simplifies the process.
    • Summary of current and new targets.
    • Easy to track and measure.
    • Increases the chance of success.
    • Key people get on the same page.
    • Filters out undesirable customers.
    • A plan that can be completed and implemented quickly, cost effectively with a high ROI.
  • Additional Observations:
    • The company’s principal challenge is prioritizing business opportunities. Creating an “Ideal Customer Profile” helps to produce the desired result.
    • The company has limited resources to invest in new projects. Using an effective, low-cost tool helps to maximize the impact of investment.
    • The ideal customer profile will change over time based on the business environment and the company’s long term goals.

How Do You Motivate Employees to Ask for Referrals? Four Points

Situation: A company has been growing nicely, but could always use additional business. Employees are very customer service focused – a key differentiator for the company – but do not ask current customers for referrals. This is problematic because management emphasizes the importance of asking for referral business. How do you motivate employees to regularly ask for referrals?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Talk to the employees one-on-one to determine what would motivate them to ask for referrals. Also ask what prevents them from asking for referrals. It could be that they do not ask for referrals because they see themselves as customer-focused and interpret asking for referrals as not customer-friendly.
    • The reality is that if it is done the right way, it can be flattering to a customer to be asked for a referral.
  • Conduct a customer satisfaction survey – include a question as to whether the customer would refer the company to other potential clients.
    • If the answer is yes, ask for an introduction to target customers that the company seeks.
  • Think about the approach of a company with a cure for cancer. Imagine that this cure could work for any type of cancer at any stage. The job is to pick up the phone, call people and ask them:
    • First, whether they or someone that they care about has cancer?
    • If the answer is “yes”, would they be interested in a cure?
    • If this were the case, would they have a problem calling people with this message?
  • In fact, the company’s product or service is the cure for the needs of both current and potential clients, just as if they had cancer. An important part of the job is to ask current customers whether they know others who would benefit from the company’s services.
    • If employees don’t believe this, they are representing the wrong product or service.


Should You View a Competitor’s Illegally Published Code on the Internet? Four Points

Situation: A CEO recently learned that the proprietary code for both his company’s and his principal competitor’s products have been published on an international web site. He is conflicted about whether he should look at his competitor’s code, knowing that this would potentially be illegal in the US. Lawyers have offered conflicting and vague advice. Should you view a competitor’s illegally published code on the Internet?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Consider the status of IP protection outside the United States.
    • In some countries there do not appear to be clear legal guidelines. One of these countries is likely where this situation originated. The country in question either lacks rules governing IP or the ability to enforce rules that exist.
    • The frustrating thing is that the playing field is not level between US and non-US companies. US companies are held to a high ethical standard by US law, whereas competitors in other countries that are not held to the same standard are free to review the illegal source code and learn from it as they can.
  • How complicated and expensive would it be to change the code? If this is feasible and not prohibitively expensive this may be the best option. Updated code can be provided to users through a software update.
  • Any company has to assess their own ethics as they craft a response to this situation. Make sure that the solution is consistent with the company’s ethical standards.
  • Could this have been an act of economic terrorism and/or theft?
    • If so, it is possible that the U.S. Justice Department could step in if one can make a case for national or economic security (unfair trade) based on violation of software copyright laws.
    • An action like this would, at a minimum, discourage similar future events. It could also help reduce the likelihood that competitors would try to profit from this situation at the company’s expense.


What are Effective Website Features and Metrics? Five Options

Situation: A CEO wants to revise his company’s website to be a more effective source of leads. What has worked well for others gaining leads from their companies’ websites? What has intrigued potential clients and prompted them to contact the company about its products and services? What are effective website features and metrics?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Have as much usable content as possible – useable by those who visit the site. This will drive traffic to the site. Traffic will produce leads from a certain percent of users who are impressed by the company’s capabilities.
  • Does the site meet the company’s target customers’ needs? If so, are the search terms optimized to attract them to the site when they perform searches?
  • Create an interactive demo on the site that will be of interest to the company’s current customers and potential customers.
  • Use the company’s customer extranet to create a “wow” experience that will create buzz within client companies and help to attract additional business from those companies.
    • An extranet is an intranet that can be partially accessed by authorized outside users, enabling businesses to exchange information over the internet securely.
  • Put a freebie tool on the public site and extranet that helps clients to solve a frequent problem. This helps to segue customers and potential customers from personal use to product or service choice.
  • Whatever tools are used, include a unique link to each approach or tool and offer the customer a modest discount for using the link.
    • Counting the frequency of links used is a simple way to determine which tools or features are most effective with customers.


How Do You Position Yourself as the New Leader? Five Points

Situation: A medium-sized company has just been acquired. A long-term employee has been named CEO of the entity. During his tenure with the company, he has established solid relationships within the company and is well-respected. He understands that he is no longer a co-worker but is now CEO. How does he best position himself to both employees and to the acquirer? How do you position yourself as the new leader?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Proactively engage the team in a dialogue about the direction and potential of the company. Focus comments on the positive and the potential of the firm and the combined entity. The acquirer is bringing a new sense of excitement and energy to the firm. They will be looking for key leaders who share their excitement.
  • Market yourself to the new owners.
    • Develop a list of hopes, desires, and needs.
    • Dialogue with the acquirers and learn their hopes and dreams for the combined entity.
    • Look for synergies between your and their hopes and desires. Create your own marketing campaign around these synergies.
    • Position yourself an essential member of their transition team.
  • Select a mentor from the acquirer. Actively seek out their advice and guidance. Use them as a sounding board as you develop your campaign as new CEO.
    • The new organization is now just a plan and may be very flexible.
    • Ask acquirers about the model that they see. What are their key objectives for the first year? What niche do they wish to fill buy acquiring the company? As the key liaison between the company and acquirer bring value to the transaction.
    • When speaking to them, listen for their questions of how they see you fitting into the organization. This will present an opportunity to define your role by addressing their key needs during and after the transition.
  • The same suggestions apply to an individual receiving a promotion within the same company.


How Do you Position Yourself as the New Leader? Six Points

Situation: A new CEO has just taken over at a well-developed medium-sized company? He will be a first-time CEO. The principal concern is how to introduce himself to the staff and customers. He believes that first impressions are critical and wants to get off on the right foot. How so you position yourself as the new leader?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Proactively engage both staff and customers in a dialogue about the direction and potential of the company. Focus comments on positive opportunities. Demonstrate a fresh sense of excitement and energy. Both staff and customers will be looking for a leader who shares their excitement. Demonstrate good listening skills.
  • There are a number of good books on leadership. Look for a title and theme that is appealing. An important point is the need to “market” yourself to both staff and customers.
    • Develop a list of hopes, desires and needs for the company. Add to this list based on what is heard from staff and customers.
    • Look for synergies between your and their hopes and desires. Create a “launch campaign” around these synergies.
    • This will position you as both an essential member of their team, and as a leader that others will want to follow.
  • Find a mentor. One who has deep experience with the role of “new Leader”. Seek their advice and counsel. Use them as a sounding board while developing a campaign for “Operation New Leader”.
  • Remember that both the company and the new vision are just plans and may require flexibility.
  • Ask others – particularly mentor and staff:
    • What is the model that they see? What are the key objectives that the company should accomplish during the first year?
    • What niche do they see the company aspiring to fill? From this may come insights into underdeveloped opportunities that the predecessor failed to leverage. Also, an opportunity to gain key allies within the company.
    • Focus discussions on what will bring increased value to the company.
  • While speaking to others, listen for their questions about the role of the Leader. This will present an opportunity to define the Leader role by addressing their needs as you transition into the new position.
