Situation: A company has developed a good team to support its projects. They work together well and demonstrate good work habits. However, the CEO wants to improve communications between team members, and also between herself and team members. When challenges arise, she wants to hear about them proactively, on a timely basis and with recommended solutions. How do you motivate the team to act proactively?
Advice from the CEOs:
- Is this just a question of communication within the team, or is there also concern with communication beyond the team?
- There are two long-term employees who consistently demonstrate a poor work ethic; however, due their seniority and relationships with the Foreman, this is tolerated.
- What steps should be taken to deal with this situation?
- The Foreman reports directly to the CEO. The proper way to deal with this is to develop a solution that serves the interests of the company.
- The company lives and breathes on customer satisfaction. If any worker shows a pattern of substandard work, this negatively impacts both the image and the value of the company.
- Clear and fair standards and expectations are critical:
- Establish a policy that workers are responsible for assuring that work meets standards before completing a job.
- Establish a list of specific standards for work, and job checklists to assure that work is complete and meets standards. Spot check to assure that the work and checklists meet standards.
- If a supervisor finds work performed below standard this will result in a warning to the worker. If the worker continues to perform substandard work, this becomes grounds for termination.
- If a worker misrepresents the quality of work performed on a final project checklist, this is grounds for immediate termination.
- Ask key managers and supervisors for input on the policy. This is not a democratic process, but others should be given an opportunity for input.
- Post the policy and provide all employees with a copy. Communicate the policy openly both verbally and in writing.
- Meet informally and frequently with the team to deepen relationships with them and between each other.