Tag Archives: Communication

How Do You Change the Company’s Culture? Six Suggestions

Situation: The CEO wants to change the company’s culture. How can the CEO facilitate “buy-in” to support this cultural change? How do you change the company’s culture?
Advice from the CEOs:
• Encourage staff to think BIG – project 50 years ahead to a $2 billion company with business in 10 countries.
• Ask questions: Can we achieve it? Can you imagine that far? Is it real? What would make it real?
• Encourage participation in this exercise across all functions.
• When one company wanted to make a major change, they brought in an expert to help craft the communication of the changes and to explain it to staff.
• Move fast – don’t go slow. Let people know that it is OK to make mistakes. This is the Try-Fix-Do model that helps to encourage creativity and rapid development of new ideas. It makes going fast less of a risk to the individual.
• Let people know that it’s OK and necessary to challenge each other. Their involvement and input are what’s important. Keep it real and civil.


How Do You Reduce Risk When Outsourcing? Three Points

Situation: A CEO is looking at an outsourcing opportunity in Asia. If a suitable partner is found, this will be the company’s first experience with outsourcing. What is the experience of others who have outsourced either parts or assemblies to a foreign supplier? How do you reduce risk when outsourcing?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Outsourcing to a foreign supplier is not low risk.
    • Find another CEO who has experience in outsourcing.
    • Consider hiring a consultant who specializes in foreign outsourcing.
    • Once a promising opportunity has been identified, select and put in place a trusted individual on-site who can stay abreast of developments and issues and who can alert the company on both potential opportunities and problems.
  • Execute key initiatives by treating this opportunity like a customer’s project.
    • Prioritize.
    • Set project time in percentages or dollars.
    • Allocate an appropriate budget.
    • Institute an appropriate job/project tracking system for outsourced projects.
    • Hold people just as accountable as if this were a project for a customer.
    • The internal “customer” should be just as demanding as an actual customer.
  • Reduce the risk in staffing.
    • Identify requirements.
    • Agree on expectations, then delegate and trust.
    • Two way communication is critical.


Should You Combine Sales and Marketing? Five Points

Situation: A company is considering combining its marketing and sales teams. The company’s overall objective is to expand their marketing presence and to bring on new customers. Some team members believe that these two functions are distinct, while others believe that they should work in tandem or even be combined. What do others think about these options? Should you combine sales and marketing?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • The skill sets required to create and operate an effective marketing effort are different from those required to create and operate an effective sales organization.
  • Sales and Marketing are two different sides of the same coin – they complement each other but are distinct.
  • Direction begins with the CEO; however it is imperative to make certain that everyone in the organization buys into both this direction and the organization to achieve it.
  • Some feel that it is not a good idea to have one person covering the role of Sales and Marketing. Sales is tactical while Marketing is strategic. It is Sales’ job to implement the Marketing Strategy and report back what is working and what is not. Marketing’s job is to take the feedback from Sales into account and revise the strategy accordingly.
  • Challenges which can create a constant battle between marketing and sales are due to:
    • Lack of common direction, and
    • Poor or inconsistent communication between Sales and customer on one side and Sales and Marketing on the other.
    • These challenges need to be resolved to have an effective Sales + Marketing organization.


How Do You Say “No”? Four Suggestions

Situation: A CEO has employees who frequently show up in his office with a request that he solves a problem for them. This takes up the time that he needs to solve bigger picture issues. He’s also concerned that employees should be able to solve these problems themselves. What tactics have others used to address this issue? How do you say “no”?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Don’t say “no.”
    • Saying “no” discourages future questions and reduces communication. Instead, answer their question with a question. Help them to see the next step in the process of solving the problem themselves.
  • What questions do you ask?
    • What do you think is the best solution?
    • Have you tried X, Y, Z?
    • Encourage them to use their peers as resources.
    • Focusing on #2 and #3, may give them insight into solving #1.
    • Have you spoken to (name) about this. (Name) may be able to help.
  • Another good response – “I can’t help you right now. Why don’t you try to solve it and I’ll follow-up with you when I can.”
  • It may be difficult to learn how to say no. Instead work on helping others to understand what you know about a particular technology or issue. Just ask questions to show them how to approach the problem, and then let them work through it.
    • This will take more time than “doing it yourself” at the beginning. However, they will rapidly gain more comfort working through issues and options on their own and will also gain both confidence and competence. Long-term it will save you time.


How Do You Adjust to Tight Cash Situations? Eight Options

Situation: A company is faced with a tight cash situation. A combination of increased interest rates, a business slowdown, and slow deliveries from suppliers have contributed to this. The CEO needs to find ways to stretch available cash, or to rely on other alternatives to assure that commitments are delivered to clients. How do you adjust to tight cash situations?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • One company actively and consistently uses their bank line of credit to cover end of quarter payables. They pay this down promptly as cash comes in.
  • Profit sharing represents 20 -25% of another company’s total compensation. When profits are down this gives them some cushion because payouts are lower.
  • One company maintains frequent and open communication with their vendors. This makes it easier to get them to work with the company when cash is tight.
  • Another company has vastly increased sales activity. This has helped to improve the business pipeline, and this in turn improves the story that they can tell their bank and vendors. It helps to reassure them that they are a good partner and a good credit risk when cash is tight.
  • It’s a good idea to maintain regular contact with the company’s best funnel clients – the ones who bring in new business. As a result if their competitors are struggling then they get a shot at their business.
  • It is better to cut select people than to put a large number of people on extended reduced time. Hard as it is to let people go, this is better for morale.
  • For less skilled operations work, one company used to use temp workers. When they’ve discussed the need to cut back with permanent employees and asked about this work, they were told that they could cover this work in their available time. The team really pulled together and were grateful for the opportunity to remain full-time.
  • Another company continues to model their pipeline, and plans for adjustments in customer demand. This enables them to act sooner rather than later when adjustments are needed.


How Do You Increase a Team’s “Voltage”? Three Suggestions

Situation: A CEO is concerned that his team feels like it has lost energy. This could be temporary or seasonal, but he feels that something needs to be done to increase the excitement or “voltage” of the team and workplace. What have others done in a similar situation. How do you increase a team’s “voltage”?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Anoint a “Champion of Fun.”
    • The objective is to recreate the excitement and joy that has been present in the company in the past. The individual assigned should be someone who has frequently or consistently demonstrated high energy and enthusiasm.
    • The person should be an employee – not management.
    • This could be two people who focus on different things – one for small, day to day activities, and one for big events, like a Habitat for Humanity Day.
  • Create a sense that employees have some control over their environment. This adds energy.
    • Circulate an Office Depot catalogue and give each employee a modest budget that they can spend to dress up their work space.
    • This has an amazing impact on the pride that they feel in their work space.
  • Bring in lunch as a surprise a couple of times a month. This is for getting reacquainted, not for business discussions during lunch.
    • The objective is to build the team camaraderie, and to enhance communication and collaboration among the team.


How Do You Improve Your Time Management Skills? Four Recommendations

Situation: A CEO is finding that reduction in staff over the last two years combined with expansion of business have left her in a quandary trying to manage too much. While the prospects of bring in new staff are improving, she wants to improve her time management skills to support company growth. How do you improve your time management skills?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Delegation and communication around delegation is about “monkey” management – getting the monkeys off you back and onto the backs of others. In addition, it’s about not letting others put inappropriate monkeys on your back.
  • Think about the difference between:
    • Empowerment versus involving yourself in all aspects of the business.
    • Empowerment is more effective and frees up time to focus on new opportunities and growth.
    • Involving yourself everywhere quickly leads to a time crunch and is less effective.
  • Set quarterly goals for yourself, just as you set quarterly goals for the company. This drives achievement and growth. It helps you to:
    • Clarify your role – where you should be focusing your time, and to
    • Let go.
  • Think of your staff as your customers. Like customers, the more you give and recognize them, the more they love you. Effectively, this is serving your staff just as you serve customers. This is called Servant Leadership and builds both empowered employees and great employee loyalty.


How Do You Enhance Teamwork and Leadership? Six Suggestions

Situation: A CEO wants to enhance teamwork and improve leadership at all levels within the company. Occasionally there is an attitude of “not my job” in response to a request. Differences in direction from leadership within the company has led to confusion of priorities. A common issue is the need to assure that priorities are aligned and consistently communicated across teams and the organization. How do you keep everybody on the same page? How do you enhance teamwork and leadership?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Conduct daily and/or weekly meetings to assure that everyone is aligned and on message. This has the additional advantage of bubbling up more ideas from deeper down in the organization.
  • Develop clear action items within these meetings. Confirm at least verbal understanding and agreement on each item.
  • Involve all team members in team meetings. Enforce participation.
  • As facilitator, take charge of the meetings.
    • Reduce long, drawn-out meetings to short, concise meetings.
    • Prep ahead of the meeting – let all participants know that they are expected to come prepared as well.
    • Stay on focus during the meetings.
    • At the end of important discussions, and again at the end of the meeting, summarize action items and responsibilities, and confirm understanding.
  • Other things that help:
    • Reduce the use of buss words during meetings. Speak in language that all understand.
    • Speak in terms of outcomes, not tasks. If the discussion is derailed, refocus on outcomes.
  • This works effectively in meetings with all levels of employees.


How Do You Motivate the Team to Act Proactively? Four Thoughts

Situation: A company has developed a good team to support its projects. They work together well and demonstrate good work habits. However, the CEO wants to improve communications between team members, and also between herself and team members. When challenges arise, she wants to hear about them proactively, on a timely basis and with recommended solutions. How do you motivate the team to act proactively?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Is this just a question of communication within the team, or is there also concern with communication beyond the team?
    • There are two long-term employees who consistently demonstrate a poor work ethic; however, due their seniority and relationships with the Foreman, this is tolerated.
  • What steps should be taken to deal with this situation?
    • The Foreman reports directly to the CEO. The proper way to deal with this is to develop a solution that serves the interests of the company.
    • The company lives and breathes on customer satisfaction. If any worker shows a pattern of substandard work, this negatively impacts both the image and the value of the company.
  • Clear and fair standards and expectations are critical:
    • Establish a policy that workers are responsible for assuring that work meets standards before completing a job.
    • Establish a list of specific standards for work, and job checklists to assure that work is complete and meets standards. Spot check to assure that the work and checklists meet standards.
    • If a supervisor finds work performed below standard this will result in a warning to the worker. If the worker continues to perform substandard work, this becomes grounds for termination.
    • If a worker misrepresents the quality of work performed on a final project checklist, this is grounds for immediate termination.
    • Ask key managers and supervisors for input on the policy. This is not a democratic process, but others should be given an opportunity for input.
    • Post the policy and provide all employees with a copy. Communicate the policy openly both verbally and in writing.
  • Meet informally and frequently with the team to deepen relationships with them and between each other.


How Do You Refocus on Growth? Four Points of Emphasis

Situation: A CEO wants to refocus his company on growth following a difficult two years. Employee absences and stress due to the pandemic have had a significant effect on performance. The objective is to rally the team and excite them about future prospects. How do you refocus on growth?

Advice from the CEOs:

  • Focus on the top goals for the company: revenue, customer satisfaction, product quality and delivery, and strategic positioning.
    • These have been company strengths in the past and will form the foundation for new growth and opportunities.
    • This is the time to be the head cheerleader. The company has a strong past and will be even stronger in the future.
  • Key points of communication to the company:
    • We have a strong Good News/Good News story – the company has survived the last two years, has an aggressive plan and a strong future, and will do even better as conditions return to normal.
    • The company is focused on an important and growing sector and is positioned for strong growth as customers refocus their companies.
    • Start this aspect of the communication this week – then keep on repeating it to reinforce optimism as the company repositions itself for new opportunities.
  • Communications to customers to support the strategy:
    • Tell clients that the company is healthy and well positioned to continue to meet their needs better than any other alternatives available to them.
  • Allow a few months for employees to regroup.
    • Staff will be exhausted, physically and emotionally, following the last two years – give them time to regroup and refocus.
