Situation: The CEO wants to change the company’s culture. How can the CEO facilitate “buy-in” to support this cultural change? How do you change the company’s culture?
Advice from the CEOs:
• Encourage staff to think BIG – project 50 years ahead to a $2 billion company with business in 10 countries.
• Ask questions: Can we achieve it? Can you imagine that far? Is it real? What would make it real?
• Encourage participation in this exercise across all functions.
• When one company wanted to make a major change, they brought in an expert to help craft the communication of the changes and to explain it to staff.
• Move fast – don’t go slow. Let people know that it is OK to make mistakes. This is the Try-Fix-Do model that helps to encourage creativity and rapid development of new ideas. It makes going fast less of a risk to the individual.
• Let people know that it’s OK and necessary to challenge each other. Their involvement and input are what’s important. Keep it real and civil.